Posted by: Nepaali February 4, 2008
Tear Bomb: Hillary Clinton Cries Again
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I hate to be the cynic; however, given that Barack has caught up with "Billary" in California and in most of the 22 states that are up for grabs on Feb 5th, I'm not surprised she cried - it having worked so well for her in New Hampshire!

I respect Mrs. Clinton and the tremendous amount she has achieved; however, I resent the following about her: claiming to be "feminist" when she allows Bill to play attack dog every time she is in trouble on the campaign trail; the unabashed race baiting that Bill seems to relish these days and the constant references to "I and We" vis-a-vis Bill's administration that would lead one to legitimately wonder whether poor Al Gore was relegated to fetching coffee for the entire length of the first round of Billary as presidents!! For a candidate who screams till she's hoarse about the lack of truth from the Bush presidency, she seems to suffer from a very convenient lack of memory. She touts labour unions but sat on the board of WalMart; she touts health care and the needs to reform it, but has taken millions in funding from phramaceutical and health care lobbyists; recently, she has morphed into the John Edwards Protege and wants to take on mortage companies while the big guns at Countrywide, one of the most egregious lenders of subprime loans are one of her biggest backers - Politics is a dirty game, but it is far too hypocritical of the Clintons to point fingers at others when they have seemingly perfected the art of hypocrisy!

Barack may be young and a political novice (if one can call years of community organizing and time spent in the Illinois legislature that); granted his oratory skills may bend more towards platitudes than substance, but at least, there is the hope that he says what he means- that is more than I can hope for from Billary

....enough venting, back to work :-))! are you Captain? hope all is well.

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