Posted by: GP December 12, 2007
Vikram Pandit...Citi CEO
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There are few reasons why Indians are getting success in the world arena of Biz, let me point out my observations:

1. Education: no can deny it. I studied in a univ in India, now IIT/R, the admission was/is so tough out there, you can not imagine if you have never been part of it (IITs were numbered 5 in world's top technical institutions, a few years ago). My batchmates (500) came from 100,000 applicants from all over India, some of got Masters in Physics, and Maths to get an Engineering BS degree. Even some Nepalese who went there have completed MSc, some were lecturers .... . The first year "General Engineering studies year", they studied nothing on MATH, PHYS, and CHEM courses except a few general engineering courses. Level of courses "practical or theoretical" taught there is far beyond anywhere in the world. I can imagine the cost of workshops (timber work, brick work, metal work, field works) that we went through in very first year: think of each piece of metal, each iron that we melted or wasted after we used, think of bricks, concrete, wood .... what made them so good, because they did by their own hand as a part of learning process,.... though quality of finished product in India is not that good, but quality of experience you get is wonderful, unimaginable. Who pays it? Indian Tax payers. What does Indian govt. do? It invests, and it wants its graduates go around the world, top 30% of IIT graduates are said to leave for US or UK. Government designs the education that way. Their Vision is for 5 or 10 or 15 of 25 years down the road (thats what King Birendra told us just after the MMB prize award ceremony: he said to us that the result of your work will be seen 25 years later, think that way), and they are consistent in what they are doing to achieve their goal in 25 years later. Note India was on USSR's side, but Indian citizen's craze was to go to America. India flipped the coin so easily after the break of Berlin wall, Indians were getting benefit of pre and post coldwar. Pre-cold war allowed their biz to grow, and post coldwar allowed them to expand their world beyond India. Certainly, post coldwar, post 2046 andolan allowed us to go beyond Nepal, and post 911 allowed Nepalis to get much easier access in US Universities. Look at the numbers in US 's small regional and community colleges. Wow, minnesota to WV to Texas or NY or Boston, you will young hard working Nepali students are every where, in small to Ivy league universities. We just entered very late, but I am very optimistic that we will follow Indian foot steps, and I am sure Indians will help us achieve the success whatever we have difference back in South Asia. We just need critical mass. We are far below critical mass in biz world, to offer something notable. Thanks to 2046 andolan. 2046 andolan's biggest achievement in Nepal is education, that we have to appreciate. That is enough to say that 2046 andolan was worth having, this achievement is far beyond what we lost in different ecnomic and political scandals, but history will tell us. Thanks to Ganesh Man, Girija Babu, KP Bhattarai, Man Mohan, Sahana Pradhan .... for their lead, and their dedication of their life to bring 2046 andolan a great success. They are my Heros.

2. English: Indians certainly suffered during British Empire. But, the English language and the modern education system that British brought to India is simply awesom. The administration, nationalistic view, and "WE --lagaan--" phenomenon among Indian are what British brought to India.

3. Bhai-Bhai-Ek-Hou: An Indian administrator might be corrupt when it comes to issues related to fellow Indian, but when it comes to patriotic issue, they never fail to unite, fight back. That concept continues here, when there is any position open in US industry, and if there is an Indian in hiring committee, he will give first priority to a fellow Indian. I remember my former Japanese Boss telling me, why do you have Syndication of your univ's alumni in Japan after all Japan is a developed country? His answer was amazing: "I help them by doing high quality work, they give me job because public want good quality work from their tax money, and those in govt who do very good work get promoted, and this is how this network works, and continues. We help each other." Dango kyodai (it is like rice-balls-attached-in-series). NHK's dango san kyo dai song was very famous. Indians are not less in this aspect.

4. Critical Mass: Probability: India has 1.2 billion people, i.e. 1/6 of world population. If you use conditional probability, and filter out people without English language proficiency in the whole world, it comes out 50% of the world's English speaking population live right in India. That is why in Computer Programming world, Japanese are far behind the Indians because they were arrogant to accomodate English starting their elementary school (they kept talents in Japan, because lack of English language. They translated everything into Japanese). One of My Professor was joking, "we Japanese learn english also in Japanese, then, how can you learn English. We speak English in Japanese.". That was very striking moment to me. My english education back in Nepal was not different from my Professor's English learning style, and the difference was that he started learning english only in high school at the age of 15, and thanks to Nepal Govt. for its English since Grade 4 in public schools, and thanks to TU for not publishing technical subjects in Nepali.... So, Chinese and Japanese were outmastered by Indians because of English language, even though the human population in these countries is significant in the world.

5. Democracy: Here is a difference why Indians are far ahead of Chinese, Indonesians, Pakistanis, and other MiddleEast countries. Democracy. Because of democracy, public fund was more equally utlized than in any other countries in Asia except, Korea, and Japan. Democracy promoted free competition, and allowed to share Bill Clinton's / Bill Gate's quotes (their quote differ a bit but look similar): It is not intelligence that is not equally distributed, it is opportunities. Pakistan separated at the same time as India, but Pakistan still suffers from Political instability. Unfortunately!!! It has repurcassion in education, and free competition.

Only in democracy (democracy is not an ideal system, it is the best system that we have .... who said that?), you can offer equal opportunities (to best level they can afford). Oops, commies might want to object it. Who cares commies, when it comes to democracy. As they are class less society, there is no competition, and there is difference between a labor, and an intelligent person in compensation point of view.

It is where Japanese fail as well. IF you go to Japan, you will find very interesting phenomenon in elementary schools, every kid gets prize, no one becomes first or last, every one is first, returns home with prize. Thats good, and that is why they could develop, and no one was left behind. But in 21st century they are failing when they have to take a lead in the world where intelligence is necessary, not only production of cars or machines, but to survive in competitive world. Yesterday, world was busy in cold war, and Japanese had monopoly in household equipments / goods. Now, Japanese are asking their kids to compete, when that culture was already crushed to death. It is too late to clone out of the almost dead cell. It will take time.

India offers such a competition. I had a classmate in my univ, who said his family don't have enough food to eat, but after graduation he dreams to offer them good food after he starts getting salary, and was getting free education ..... It was not for everyone. He became IAS officer immediately after he came out of the univ. He was in my lab / technical work group most of the time. Democracy matters. Nepal's public service comission was very good, but recently it is politicalized, after Maoists entered into main stream politics, they want BHAGbanda every where even in Campus Chiefs to Peon. Shame on these Partyless 7 party syndication.

6. Hard-work/dedication: desire plus motivation. Yes, we all work hard, but hard work alone does not help us all the time, when the fellow rival is not much different from you. When hard work is integrated with aforesaid components, the success is innevitible. It is time for us to work with Indians in US to get success, and once we pass through a critical mass, our machine will operate independently, and we will be their rival. Thanks to US Embassy in Nepal for its liberal policy to let Nepalis get admission in US University. I am very optimistic that it will break the ice, open US success market for us as well.

Critical Mass is very difficult tell at this moment, but I am guessing the Bhutani Nepali's (refugee) arrival as planned by US govt. might trigger a critical mass. I guess we will be seeing all this happening 25 years later.

Good Luck my fellow Nepalis. We all in US and Nepal will trigger a critical mass. Just matter of time.




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