Posted by: lootekukur December 5, 2007
Need a place to stay in Boston for 3 days!!!
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a good friend of mine lives in Boston. unfortunately, he's being out of touch with me for the last couple of weeks (may be even more) and knowing the sucker, i think it's a deliberate attempt to ignore me. so next time when i meet with him, i am gonna raise my middle finger in his honor.

sad thing: i lost his number(weird eh?) but i am sure he has mine but the sucker still doesn't care calling his friend up once. talk of friendship and admiration he said he had for me and he used to boast about.  if he happens to touch base with me before christmas (which seems pretty unlikely), i will surely let him know about you and your plans. so..keep your fingers crossed, my friend.

oh btw, before that, let me tell you few things about my friend. it's good to know the person you are gonna stay with for 3 days, no?

1) from what i hear (i haven't met with him at his home), the dude is super-lazy and super-shameless. he roams around his home only in 'chaddi'  without a tinge of self-respect and he doesn't mind farting here and there whenever and wherever nature says: "go boy!"(bear in mind, research says that a healthy man farts 12 times a day)...

2) i hope you guys don't mind doing heavy dishes (it's gonna be party tyam 24/7 that week since it's christmas), cleaning bed and carpets full of pukes and stuffs.

3) if you can't stand others' smell, don't bother going to his restroom. "i don't need to sleep or eat in restroom, i like to keep stuffs as they are-- in their natural states" is what he used to tell me.

4) the other thing is: this guy is a 'tanker' when it comes to consuming alcohol. and everytime he comes up with some sort of incidents after consumption. last i heard, he passed out in his restroom while attending nature. his friends had to lift the 194 lbs from the stinking stable--his restroom--and bring his dead body (i mean dead body look alike) to his bedroom.

5) the guy is generous enough to offer you guys his one and only bedroom to sleep in though. yeah yeah... with him! my little advice: don't ever do that!  no no.. not because he's not straight enough but because he is a champion of snoring games. he had to move from his previous three apartments, all at basement, because of this very reason. yeah the third floor neighbors complained.

shoot me an email if you want further info..

happy christmas in advance! :)

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