Posted by: Samsara December 5, 2007
Bir Bir Gorkhali
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Sumedhu, It is not because of wanting to prove one's valor that young boys compete in the recruitment events for the British Gurkha regiments in the hills...It is dire economic reasons.  There is no way this culture should ever be boycotted as it has been a historic tradition followed by these peeps and their fore-fathers.  Its a symbolic gesture of accomplishment for the family as a whole who partake in the son's/brother's achievement (their standard of living  now being raised thanks to the inflow of foreign reserves).  Listen smarty, not only internationally but also domestically, these Gurkhas were perhaps singlehadedly responsible for the dollar inflows into Nepal (along with the deteriorating tourism sector) after the transistion into democracy back in '90.  Many smart businessmen were taking their wealth outta Nepal but the Gurkhas were helping keep our economy stable.  These Gurkhas, not only brave for the outside world were also protectors of Nepal (financially by their remittance sent back home).

Also, you say Indonesia, Pakistan and Latin America talk shieet about the Gurkhas?  Wake up dimwit!  These countries are the enemies or have fought wars against the nations that Gurkhas are mercinaries of.  Would these idiots who dared challenge the fabled Gurkhas into combat and saw their comrades/forfathers killed even talk good about the ones who destroyed them?  It is basic common sense!!

What about the countries that the Gurkas protected?  India owes its Northern Frontiers to its Gurkha regiments (No wonder the Pakis hate them).  During WWII, when Japs had crossed Burma heading into Nagaland and the NE States, it was the Gurkhas who saved the day.  No wonder in Kohima, they still have the memorial for the honor of the Gurkha soldiers who succumbed there.  India was saved from being under the Axis rule by the Gurkhas.  So what if they now decide to call all Neps: Gorkhays?  These dhotis should thank these Gorkhays that they today aren't churning yogurt in the mills under the "real" chinks (Japs).

And about Argentina...The Gurkhas singlehandedly fought the Falklands War when Falklands was occupied by force by the Argentines.  Till this day, their army still dread the legendary Gurkhas!!  Ain't no mystery as to why they are hated and revered in awe by the enemies.

Before you fells even talk shit about the legacy of the Gurkhas, know that these fighters are an integral part of Nepali culture (the ones who united various satellite states into one nation), an integral part of our foreign reserve inflows and finally an integral part in Neps being seen as heroic in the Commonwealth nations.  C'mon why don't I see any recognition for bahuns/chetris/mustangays/newars,etc. outside of Nepal??  Only the Sherpas and the Gurkhas have brought about all thats perceived as good in normative Western culture: Gurkha=Loyalty, Sherpa=Hard work!!  I'm not one of them (never was), but they in my mind deserve all respect and for anyone to shut them down is plain ignorance!!


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