Posted by: BKMailo August 31, 2007
In my retrospect !
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Part-20: August 31, 2007 Some experiences during my M.Sc. studies As soon as I got my B.Sc. degree, I planned to join M.Sc. in Physics in the Central Department of Physics, Kirtipur. The reasons to go to physics were: I had developed an interest to study physics. I had also heard that one will get a job more easily after passing M.Sc.: at least in high schools. Later, it became much better when plus two programs were started. So I sat in the entrance exam organized by the physics department, Kirtipur. I passed the exam. I got admission in Physics in Kirtipur. I was proud of myself that I was the first person to study Master of Physics not only from my family but from the whole village. Sometimes such kind of pride leads people towards disaster. But, in my case, I tried to balance everything and continued my studies of Physics. One of my friends was so crazy to go to overseas for further studies after completion of M.Sc. He used to talk a lot about his friends in America, Japan and Germany doing well in Physics. Honestly, I had no idea about the studies in overseas. I had no dreams too. I left the school where I was working because it was really difficult to manage time for my studies and teaching at school. I told the principal that I was going to resign from the job. He asked the reason for that. He suggested me that resignation was not necessary. I could come back to school at any time I liked and wanted. Therefore, I left the school and started to be regular in classes and labs in Kirtipur. But, I had to manage money for fees, rent and bread and butter. I had my younger brother with me studying in a campus. I also had to send some money to my dad in the village. So I continued teaching tuition and left going to school completely. Sometimes I used to cycle to Kirtipur from Baneshwor. It was terrible to do so because of pollution and diet. Probably it was the reason of too much cycling and too much hard work that I was caught by some allergic problems from which I was terribly suffered for more than twelve years. Those problems were gone only when I landed in the USA in 2004. Though my income was good during my M.Sc. studies too, it was really hectic to manage my timings for the studies and teaching tuition. Because of my situation and busy schedule, I came to be less sociable in the campus. I reached the campus for the classes and lab works. As soon as they were over, I left the campus for tuition or self-study. Therefore, I hardly participated any programs like excursions, student politics, etc. The Physics department had no girl students in that batch. So it was a kind of dry. The friends who enjoyed chatting with girls used to go to other departments, especially Botany as Botany department had a large number of girl students at that time. So life was again dry during the studies of Master's level too. No love-making, no girlfriends! When I was about to start my M.Sc. studies, I was thinking to get married. Once the owner of the house asked me whether I was interested to get married. I said if I could find a girl suitable to me, I would do it. She talked to the parents of a girl close to her house. But the parents replied that they were not willing to give their daughter to a school master. That seriously struck me: 'Oh man! Then a school master would remain unmarried life-long'. Fortunately, that didn't happen in my life and I haven't seen any other school masters left unmarried, not getting girls for marriage! Later I found that those parents gave her daughter to an overseer. Why I am writing this is that our mind is still traditional and we still think that our daughters are well taken care of only when they are married to a doctor or an engineer. Anyway, I finished my M.Sc. studies well and got back to a job of Physics teacher in the school when I used to work before. In the meantime, I got a girl and got married too! We have a daughter of about six years now. We three people are living at a place in the east coast of the USA now!
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