Posted by: Samsara July 17, 2007
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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Ramlakhan, you're the whacko here, jackazz...Look who's calling the kettle black, damn sucka!! Get a life beside preaching a theroy that works only on paper and nothing else. You sound like someone who was taught the communist ideologies in the jungles. Your likes need to give up as this system will set Nepal back a 100 years. BTW, I'd love to see the maobadis have the same fate come to them someday (in my life-time) as their atrocities should not go unnoticed or unpunished...Man, we're no more in the dark ages. We will see that these cats pay for all the shit that they've caused. And sajhakhoHERO, damn commie fool. You say "MOST IMPORTANLY, A NATION WHERE IT'S ECONOMY AND LIVING STANDARD IS BOOMING." hahahahh What are you, you damn moronic fish-breath. How can a communist economy boom (unless paper communists but followers of capitalism: ala China)??? The maobadi/communist system is a yoke that binds everyone to work for the dictator...WE're all slaves then, fugger. How in your warped mind could you fathom that it is even better than what we currently have?? Yo, al I can say is that you're el stupido on a rampage like your moustacheod friend (Ramlakhan aka Anil Kapoor bhaiya). You both need to be put in a line and kicked by all here who see your irrationality and infantile comprehending abilities. Remember, a lil knowledge is...So, go get a high shool degree or something quick!!
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