Posted by: earthsucksudown July 16, 2007
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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rahulvai im glad that u at least gave some credit to them ,, as far as i understand the sense of ur first sentence. now id just like to share some of my personal viewpoints with ur 4 points above. 1. sir , do u remember by the time the final peoples movement 2 took place,, how many times the eight party coalition had announced ,,nirnayak aandolan,, im sure it was at least 3 times ,, it was some trails in ratnapark where party workers showed up and got themselves arrested in a pretty systematic manner as they already planned (though sometimes there were slight lathicharge) later it was maoists who came up with slogans of republican nepal and demise of the kingship that hit the roads of entire nepal,,(still the verses are clearly in my mind that i shouted) and it was then the king gave up. can u tell me where were the political leaders of eight parties then? (dont tell me they were on the streets)hidiing themselves in their houses (except few of em who boldly showed up) ,, i still remember ,, someone(must be ramchandra paudel or bhatatata) who said that "whatever maoists cudnt do for 10 yrs we did in 19 days" sir, i seriously wud have loved to shout " shut the... up "if i was in front of him. that made a lot of people laugh at him,,, afterall he is someone none other than one of the baristha neta of nepali political party who can come up with this kind of dumb ideas very fast. .. so was it agiain just moral support of maoists to reinstall democracy or their wholesome effort to eradicate kingship and lead a path to republican nepal?? 2. sir, NCP (UML) was also the communist party in the government after 2047.their milestone was always a republican system as they said,, and they explained it like,, theyd get 2/3rd majority and with peoples support in street and themselves in govnmt theyd declare nepal republic or sth like that... did u got any hint of that in their practice in the last 13 yrs time?? when? maoists had known that was not gonna happen , they knew the only way was to revolt out the fake democratic system with king as a real supremo.. so, had maoists not started all these ,,circumstances would never have got developed accordingly,, and wed still be watching and cursing our same corrupted leaders ,, remember how much we have been cursing our political parties and leaders for such a long time so please do think about it,, 3. dont u think it was his will to rule ,,to greater extent ,,other than the reasons u mentioned ,,taking benefit of ungoing political unstability and will to be in full power .. i better think it that way. 4.of course i fully support u that they are still different in practice than their ideologies and individual murder is of course a big dissapointment of entire maoists movement. it may not sound relevent in this point still i just wanna say,, it is RNA who have shot a lot of more helpless people than maoists in course of war,, i have seen right in front of my eyes a couple of times. it is more different than the fake analysis people made sittin in a couch in their palace in KTM.. we have to accept the contribution they did ,, coz one cud be dumb to carry gun and fight ,, but there were thousands who held their breath in their hand and fought.. were all of them dumb ? of course there was a reason they fought for that they acheived thaqt had a lot of good and some bad consequences but the tragedy,, intellects around still dont accept it . still i agree the movement was not flawless as every subject has good and bad aspects. and cheer up it was all my thought
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