Posted by: earthsucksudown July 15, 2007
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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it was obviously a big loss of human life ,loss of a lot of infrastructures,, a culture of voilence developed as someone above said,,, we lost a lot of frirends and relatives,, nation was under kinda homewar for a long time,, a dual administration system in majority of country's area,, u know dohoro maar ma pareka janata,,, i know how painful it is,, maoist movement was a tragedy to our nation regarding a lot of social and economical aspects like these. now why dont we think about the political change for a while .. whatever existed and was ruling us was the kingship and the corrupted parties who can never be forgiven,, where was the nation heading then? any clue? can u just imagine for a while the same old corrupt leaders grabbin the state power ,, fightin for PM,, and ,, corruption developing everywhere,, favouritism,, we all have already accepted that cud have never been a democratic pratice. and it was all of us shouting against the same leaders al the time .in addition to that kings intervention and his will to rule the country with army in power,,, for all of u who still support a monarch to rule ,, ive nothing to say,, coz what s true is monarchy strickly cant be a political practice in todays time. something like an individual regardless of his caliber ,potential ,, ruling the country simply because he was a succesor of someone like that? how do u expect all the first born child in some family to have gain the calibre to rule the country ?? thats what is about nepali monarchy,, r all of u crazy,, still supporting such a baseless idea and system... the next option we had was to sit and watch the shameless show the political parties were showing ,, do u think whatever they did was anything more than that? our political system was gone shameless ,, corrupted and individual centered ,,, it was again no way a democratic practice.. so it was us who needed a change in system ,, thats what maoists did,, they initiated it and are almost gettin done for the change in the political system and culture( i dont mean that change include social economical cultural change that we still need). alrite ,, is it again the same old corrupted fudeal system with powerful monarch u guys like or the newly born republican form of political system its ur choice ,, and it is obvious once were in the right system we can hit the road ,., again maoist revolution was never flawless ,, and a lot of disagrements still with em and the way theyre operating these days. but i t was only the maoists that drew out the fake and corrupted democratic practice with fudeal backgrounds and changed the system. it was a fight against the system that exited then. it was the ever big contribution maoists did that we need to realise.
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