Posted by: GP July 12, 2007
Maoist Contribution to Nepal
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Communism system itself is wrong. Communist system's concept is wrong. Communist system's garne tarika is wrong. Communist leaders are wrong. Communist followers are skin heads, so they are never right. Communist journalist don't know what is journalism. So, they are wrong. In Nepal civic leaders like Krishna Pahari, are all mukundo dhari communist. Did they every speak against YCL's jyadati? Never ever. Nepali Post: Nepali Journalists in America: Most of them seemed to get Green Card as if victim of Maoists: when they applied political asylum they claimed that they will be killed by Maoists if returned to Nepal, but within Nepali community they praise YCL and Maoists. is now mouth piece of Maoists. Oops, NAJAN is coming soon. Nepali journalists coming one over another name and same set of people, different faces. Did you read recent article on Nepal, one visitor explains about one Najan Member who came here because he got DV, enjoys American life, but frequently he writes in favor of Maoists. Wow, afu chai lottery green card parera america ma Japanese car chadne, jo hijo sathi sanga motocycle ma lift mathyo, tara aja u america ma ayera Nepal Maoism establish garne haru ko defend garchha. Five years later, when the same person applies for US Citizenship, he will answer the question: Were/Are you ever been communist? and his answer will big No in the exam, but he will be still writing article in support of Maoism. Prachanda will continue to blame 15,000 death on Nepal Army and Police Side. He scares to mention that his party killed 38 innocent people in Madi Chitwan. Does he remember his party burnt down Kajal, a five year old girl, who was in a bus burnt by his cadres? Babu Ram wrote in one article that these were minor mistakes. Mistakes? Redefined a mistake, hm. Yesterday, Mandale was a nickname for Nepali version of Gabbar Singh, who used to punch or use knife if you go against him or them, but today you will be shot dead if you speak against them: the YCL. Who is more dangerous? Read Nepal patrika about Dadas in KTM, and try to understand the fear that Nepal patrika's write had because he even does not mention YCL and its connection anywhere as Dadagiri in KTM. What is the difference between Milan Chakre, and YCL's working style? Why did not Nepal Patrika dare to compare? Because YCL is much more inhumanly organiZed crime syndicate than these Dadas, at least these dadas have left the country because of fear of Mandule plus police, but YCL does not allow government to take any action against their cadres: next day dozens of bus, trucks are burnt. Now, Maoist Ministers in Nepal Government organize strike. Wow, do they know what is government? Is this a new culture that you imported from China or it is one of the 10 commandments of Prachanda Path? What happened to the looted money? Where is hisab kitab? Where did the money the government gave them as allowance go? These are a very few examples of culture that YCL and Maoists brought to Nepal. I still don't know what positive impact Maoists have made in last 10 years? I see None, other than CHAOS. Prachanda won't be President of Nepal, not in any case, as long as there is US Embassy in Nepal. Prachanda is paid back for the murder of Mr. Pokharel, a security guard at US Embassy while he was sleeping. Prachanda will / should be killed one day in the same fashion, if not will die like Polpot: a human version of rabies infected dog's death. Polpot's dead body was on bed for several days. Hisila Yami's claim of connecting Karnali anchal 's remote district headquarters in one year ? Day dream. She will blame it on Ram Saran Mahat for not allocating budget for her projects. Excuse fabricators. Prachanda claimed that Paras made a CD (I am not fan of Paras), Prachanda claimed that Arms were washed away rivers, Prachanda claimed that Royals were planning to attack US Emabssy ...... Where are those proofs, Chaitman? I recently heard that they want to change Nepali National Flag, and incroporate Hasiya, Bancharo and mudho. What else will they bring to Nepal? Nepal will be turned to Switzerland of Asia? Wow! Looking forward to hearing excuses. Thanks god, Girija is still alive. There are only two real people in Nepal who can stand tall, and firm, right now: US Ambassador Morarity, and PM Girija Prasad Koirala.
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