Posted by: Danger May 10, 2007
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If you show medial transcripts and convense the prof's you might get a incomplete. This is what my school says. Yours should be similar (not same) *************************************** Grades Students are given grades by the instructors of the classes in which they are enrolled. Many issues revolve around the grading process. Course grades for all enrolled students are entered into the records system at the end of each term. From these grades a student's grade point average (GPA) is formed. Changes can be made by instructors to a student's class grade. Students themselves can cause changes in their GPA by repeating classes or undergoing academic re-evaluation. ************************************ and ************************************** Incomplete Grades The grade of incomplete or "I" is reserved for special cases and means that, because of extenuating circumstances, the student failed to meet a specific need and an important requirement of the course, but has in other respects done passing work for the semester. An "I" must be made up by the student during the next term in which they are enrolled, unless other arrangements have been made with the instructor. If the instructor does wish more time to be granted, they must file an Extension of an Incomplete form with the Office of the Registrar. When incompletes are not made up within the specified time, they automatically become either "F" 's (graded courses) or "NC" 's (P/N courses). When an incomplete is made up, the instructor reports the completed grade to the Office of the Registrar using a Grade Change form. Students making up incompletes should not re-register for the class. ******************************************* and ************************************ "W" Grades Grades of "W" are placed on courses to indicate that they are in withdrawal status. Courses are in withdrawal status for one of the following reasons: they have been dropped after the fifth day of a term the student went through the process of Official Withdrawal and had all of their courses for a term dropped Students are not enrolled in courses with grades of "W", but these courses are part of the students' record and are considered attempted credits. These courses do affect a student's completion rate and also appear on transcripts. The University policy on withdrawn courses and "W" grades is detailed in the following two documents from the Office of Academic Affairs: ****************************************** and ******************************************
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