Posted by: ALSON Nepal May 10, 2007
Marriage !
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Life is half-complete without marriage. Every bachelor feels that he is lacking a great deal of fragrance of life without marriage. Bachelors suffer from idealizing marriage as a binding that blinds one to the beauties from the world. I have seen many friends make their avowal during their most public moments. They imagine and fancy about fruitful life after their marriage. They weave the reveries in the faculty of imagination that the wife gives the golden egg in their nest. Bachelors, in their innocence, bask in warm, rosy thoughts envisioning marriage as a great event that can impart sense of fulfillment and meaning on everyone's life. Heavy drunkards think that their romance with booze will stop abruptly when a wife comes along. Paying guest goes beyond the imagination with the hope that he will never have to see the hell room again. Those who get up late or are too lazy to take a bath or cut their nails or clean their nails and nose cavities justify their obnoxious disregard to all the sense of decorum with the goody goody thoughts that marriage will cure them of all their little vices. All that is fine only one problem. These daydreams are good only as soon as one is bachelor. Not that you cease to have such thoughts after marriage. The fact is that after marriage you realize how profoundly ridiculous an idealist you had been. What rules your mind immediately after a few months of marriage is the nostalgia for a bachelor past that hunts you every now and then like a mischievous demon. It strikes married men in a terrible form; the sudden chilling out of friendship with unmarried females colleagues and acquaintances. If you speak frankly and laugh with some females before her, then you will have to put up with danger. Graduating to the camp of married men opens up for you the window into a whole new worlds of lethargic chitchats of married seniors, who exult in scaring new entrants with varied anecdotes of different kinds of wives such as dictatorial wife, ambitious wife, extravagant wife, cheating wife, scheming wife, scolding wife, and holding wife and what not. The image of an ideal wife that you cherished as bachelor's disappears in the fog of these creepy, violet, frustrating stories. And you begin to wonder which of the aforementioned categories your wife belongs to.... A reasonably free man before marriage, you suddenly realize that despite your ingenuity in hiding some harmless wives from the world, you are bound to be caught by your wife, who evidently received top class spy training from non other that her best friends. Hence, you lead a life very sincere. If you drink she finds it. If you don't drink, she thinks that you drank in the afternoon to drive away the smell before you reach home. Either way, you are a drunkard. And there are your in-laws, who constantly make sure that you are on the right track. They invite you almost once in a month for a delicious dinner that is sour and bitter only in one aspect: you are under a scanner throughout the dinner. They ask you tricky and clever questions, including whether you got a salary raise or promotion. When they get inevitable answer---No--- they tell you about a certain relative who gets promotion almost every month and earns like Bill Gates. No doubts, your wife believes every word that the in-laws say and after your return home she complains that you are lazy, misdirected, visionless and proposals animal who is good for nothing and that her getting married to you was a terrible mistake. There was a long queue for her to hold hands from so --so families. Going shopping with wife is a scary venture which you often imagined before marriage.>You never know how many business men end up silently thanking their lucks. A wife is voracious shopper. She spots every item in the market and can give you every reason why life cannot have meanings without purchasing the items. With each purchase, your wallet lets out a piteous wail!!!! But you put on a smile and brave face in an attempt to show how happy you are to throw your hard-earned money for her. Unfortunately, she takes your forced smile seriously and instantly doubles the shopping list. When at the end of your tour, you are returning a thoroughly a shaken man, she reminds you that she actually forgot to purchase the most necessary items, and immediately starts making plan for the next shopping tour. But let me stop then by letting you know a gem of secrets. There are two ways to be happy: Remaining a bachelor and getting married. IT really doesn't matters, which brand of unhappiness you go far. So I have determind to take the unhappiness of the ......brand... ( it's one of my freinds' writing !)
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