Posted by: bikash kc February 6, 2007
why depression is more common among white-collar ppl?
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of course... there r different aspects of being depressed... list could be long like sndy says it could be alienation... or as loote opines it could the outcome of being more responsible... we all must have been depressed in a way or d other in our life once or more u know sometimes knowing things better could be the source of depression i will tell u how? d story goes like this...once a man well educated n in a level of executive got problems in his genitals...mind u guys this is real story n i m sharing wat i have observed during my professional life........ it was ullcer n as obviousl he had unprotected sex with someone who he trusted d most that guy went a doc n many tests were conducted on him b4 the results came he went through a number of means of information available to know wat actually happened n wats the prognosis n 1 of them was internet fianally he came up with d idea that he shud undergo the hiv test also which initially wasnt ordered by the examining doc.... but to his misfortune(or rather say of medical science)1 cant be called hiv -ve 100% until his 6 months(coounting from the day of unprotected sex) blood samples r -ve n he knew that from internet n also from his doc he went mad how can i lead a normal life in 6 months wen i dont know if i m hiv-ve or +ve?that was his question he slipped into depression he lost interest in his job,sports,started confining oneself at room n find solace at drinks n smoke he broke up with his gf n whole world didnt know wat is happening with him?n his condition was known to either his doc or he himself no1 else n tragedy was he cudnt himself share n doc cant disclose it to even his family without the patient consent as he is bound by HIPPA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that 6 months were his worst days....... he wasnt himself many a times he thought of self-murduring somehow smoke n drink gave him life finally his tests were -ve but his ordeal didnt end he later developed PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder)-ost-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal and even a minor ailment would cause a lot panic n ordeal in hIM his vision,his way of thinking all changed in life he started a hermit life....... this is depression n the deadly consequence of it moral of the story:its ur turn buddy,post wat u feel we shud learn from this..... bikash kc
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