Posted by: jung January 16, 2007
American Foreign Policy
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I was a true admirer of American political system. The check and balance system, the political stability, the democratic freedom and the economic prosperity gave me the assumption of a utopian society (or at least a society at its best). I come from a society where human right is a myth, political stability is very weak and economic independency seems to be unattainable dream. So it must have been obvious for me to be mesmerized by this American BLING BLING. But, now I am starting to realize that there is something rotten in American politics. That is why American foreign policy really stinks. Let me start out with the war on terror. When I analyze war on terror, they do not add up with the security of American people at all. How much are Americans safer now can be debated. The American war on terror (or you could say Bush’s war on terror) has done nothing but revitalized Islamic extremists. Not to mention the first generation of Islamic extremists were created by covert funding of money and weapons by CIA. Islamic extremists are powerful than ever. Recent example of Israel-Hezbollah war proves this statement. Not only have these extremists have been able to organize in a state level (Hezbollah and Hamas) post 9/11, they have also been able to mutate themselves into fragments. It seems like they can infiltrate any security system. Madrid and London bombings remind us of this fearful fact. Thanks to American foreign policy. Iraq war, I am trying really hard to find any possible justification but in vain. Suspicion of Saddam having weapons of mass destruction does not add up at all. If you dig up the stories of Valerie Plame and how she was revealed as CIA operative to defame the credentials of her husband Joseph Wilson’s finding’s that Iraq did not have WMD, you pretty much reach to a conclusion that Bush administration had prior knowledge of absence of WMD in Iraq. Anyways, they decided to forward this agenda to rally support. Saddam’s ties with Al Qaeda, anyone with little knowledge in politics will find it absurd. Ok, Saddam did kill thousands of Kurds. But we have to remember that United Stated is equally responsible for this genocide. During Iraq-Iran war, US covertly (which now has become an open truth) supplied Saddam with biological and chemical weapons. He later used them to suppress Kurd uprising. North Korea’s recent nuclear test and Iran’s eagerness in nuclear pursuit can be credited to great American foreign policy. United States’ bullying foreign is pushing nations to nuclear armament. Attack on Iraq must have been real eye opener for North Korea and Iran. Not to mention United States hypocritical policy regarding Israel has made it justifiable for these nations to go nuclear. I can go on and on about other stinking American foreign policies but let me get to my point. At first I thought these policies were benefiting American people. I thought American governments were subsidizing American lives and rest of the world was paying for it. But it was a very naïve judgment. Americans have not gained anything. The only beneficiaries are the big corporations (mostly oil corporations). Not only the rest of the world but Americans also are paying with their lives to fill the deep pockets of these corporations. At this point, I believe that these corporations are pulling the strings of American politics. And that is so rotten about American politics. peace
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