Posted by: ashu January 9, 2007
Marwari community wants their representation in interim parliament.
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Rahulvai wrote: ""यहाँ निर बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा के छ भने, मारवाडिलाई नेपाल् भित्र्याए कस्ले? काठ्माडौका नेवार ब्यापारीहरुलाई (जस्को तिब्बत देसको ब्यापारमा प्रभुत्व थियो) बिस्थापन् गर्न अथवा भनुम् सजाय दिन हिदुस्तान् बाट् मारवाडिलाई ज्ञानेकै पूर्खाले रातो कार्पेट् बिछ्याइ स्वागत् गरेको तीतो सत्य भूल्न मिल्छ र?" I think this is false. But even if this is indeed true, so what? How much juice are we going to squeeze out of what might have happened in the 1800s and the 1900s? More to the point, when we, as a nation, keep on looking backward, how will we ever learn to look foward? After all, it's hard to be looking backward and forward at the same time. It's fair to say that the Nepali business world has moved on a lot to become, on the whole, a lot more competitive than what it was in the 1800s or the 1900s. True, there is still NOT much competition in many sectors in Nepal, and some people/groups, for various reasons, are still enjoying unfair monopoly returns at the expense of the consumers or the janata. Sure, these monopoly or monopoly-like situations need to be corrected so that more Nepalis get to play the game of business fairly and win and lose on the dint of their own efforts-- but that's a broader policy issue for us to tackle and NOT a narrow Marwari (or ethnic) issue to get hung up on. **** "मारवाडि समाजकै प्रभावशालि ब्यक्ति मोहन् गोपाल् खेतानको माघ् १९ पछि ज्ञानेको समर्थनमा दिएका अन्तर्वार्ता सम्झम् त।" Again, so what? MGK, as a Marwari citizen of Nepal, was and is FREE to express his support for, or, for that matter, contempt of the king in any manner he chooses. You may not like what he said, and that's fine. But we cannot go around censoring people to say only the things we love to hear in the name of some perverse 'democracy'.. It's one thing to say what MGK said was right or wrong, but to link it up with Marwaris' call for some hearing in the interim parliament and use it as an example of some greater conspiracy afoot is show how insecure and nervous and not at all confident we are about our own collective abilities to dream and work toward a having a brave new Nepal in days ahead. And I find that sad. oohi ashu
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