Posted by: MadDoGG December 22, 2006
End of Shah...Dynasty....
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wow its so unreal to read some of these responses.............I stated that the poor uneducated maoists cadres have a false hope of getting rich all of us do...only difference is that we abroad have a better chance than them...........they dont even know how to read and write because a gun was handed to them instead of a pen....forced to fight...abducted against their will from schools and homes...and sent to the battle frontlines to die in the hope of a better life......Alas what a loss...I am not saying that the government had better plans for the poor but niether has the maoists as they have promised every poor a dream so unreal.........Car , house, over 10 K sallary and lots of land ........and where are they getting it from.....????? from the people in the big cities of nepal........the upper and middle class families........I bet we are in that category and I know that my parents worked hard to provide for us and my education abroad...........things didnt come easy for us so why should the maoists with the guns in their hands get it easy. look at the way Nepal has come so Far.......when the people took over after King Birendra gave the power to the political leaders........The political leaders and their next to kin became Rich....those basta*ds didnt have a proper slipper to wear before but now they live in Mansions, Suv, money and power. Seems they took care of their personal needs better than the poor people of Nepal......All the foreign aids Nepal got in the past years would have provided everyone with proper usage of resources....but it fell in the corrupt hands and dissappeared into foriegn bank accounts of the so called political leaders........they are in my book the original sinners who gave birth to the maoists...........not the King...the only fault for the King was to let it all happen right under his nose.....but what to do people have so much trust in their corrupt leaders that when king Gyanendra put them on the judgement stand ....they made the people rise against the king..........and we Nepalese people bought the crap from the corrupt leaders and threw the King out when he was trying to put things into the right prespective........How can the present king clean all the mess, corruption, maoist created by the unjust, people elected, political leaders in such a short time???? and who did The people elect ....Girija ...who had been ousted by the people numorous times for failing us ?????Remember he sold our river to India......India controlls these leaders...NOT THE KING WHO WAS CLEAR TO INDIA ABOUT NOT TO INTERFERE IN OUR COUNTRY'S INTERNAL MATTER IN THE SAARC MEETING?????? Again this is My personal take..........please dont get offended.
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