Posted by: bostongirl November 29, 2006
Kathmandu Spice
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" I had hoped you were capable of better judgement than that." You tell me I am being judgemental, and what about your own statement? Its filled with your own judgement about my judgement. May I ask if 'identifying' a race is being racist? In your opinion? Maybe you have never been told by anyone 'where in india are you from?' or 'you are indian?' without asking where i am from. I guess everyone looks at a person's face and makes up their mind about where they could be from. Does that make you a 'racist'? I have read you other posts and the way you argue, I didnt think you jump into such a harsh conclusion about how a person could be racist if they say this person is from india, this person is from nepal. Is having a national identity bad? You call that raciist? "That can be construed as a pretty racist statement. So if someone looks "Indian" - whatever the hell that's supposed to be - and does not speak Nepali, or does not speak it loudly enough for you to hear, they can be judged not to be Nepalese?" I think the minute you started reading my post, you had already started 'judging'. If the owner himself can put a finger at precise number i.e. 99% are you think he came up with that number after asking every single customer where they are from? or if they are nepali's or not? Some customers are obviously not nepalis and if ruling them out or in depending on what statistics you want to end up with is being judgemental? Oh please captain haddock! And yes, if I look/ at someone or hear them talking in a different language I can assume where they could be from...and if have doubt about where they could be from, I leave it there...'doubtful' category. You could indeed call me being judgemental if I had claimed how only Nepalis should have been there...but I saw people from different race too. I didnt say that..did I? I just hope you dont start judging others yourself because you see them identifying soemone without knowing what I think. And this issue came up because I was questioning the percentage the owner kindly pointed out. I thought I would not respond to your post because I didnt see the need to defend myself and my statement. But then you ended with 'had hoped you were capable of better judgement' and had to point it out that its you whos being judgemental, its you who think that simply saying if someone could be a nepali, indian, or from a different country is being racist. It just seemed like an overstatment from you and harsh accusation, which I choose to disagree with.
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