Posted by: latoboy November 2, 2006
Anyone working in SAP?
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I am making a blacklist of businesses who spam bigtime, don't do business with these people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be at Posted by: Daniel on January 9, 2003 02:14 AM I respect you a good deal jud, but in this case, I think you are wrong. People who send spam are thieves and tresspassers. If your neighbor supports people who did this in real life, wouldn't you try to pressure your neighbor to stop? (At the least tell the police what you know) These blocking lists are more like a Newspaper that tells the public who is providing support to criminals. It is then the public who responds by configuring thier mail servers to deny access to the thieves (spammers) , the people who let them fence thier ill gotten gains(websites that host them), and those who drive the getaway cars.(mail servers and ISPs who let them send thier spew) P.S. thank you for the work you did on Claris Emailer. Posted by: David Dean on February 17, 2003 09:00 AM Guess what, the email address I used to post my comment has been harvested by a spam bot. I created the address just to post to this forum, so I know it happened here. Hey jud, on whom do you place the blame for that? Posted by: David Dean on March 17, 2003 10:21 AM That funny, lets use your logic some more. Lets say someone in your neighborhood is stealing and tresspassing, and you don't know who. You say pressure your neighbors to find out who and to stop it, but with email you black list ALL of your neighbors reguardless, You should go after the car dealers too, becasue they sold the getaway car to that thief. In fact we should just stop selling cars becasue it leads to thieves. You could probably sue the engineer that designed the car and put him in jail too. Lets just pull the entire neighborhood into court, and blame them all, so you can make sure you get the one bad guy. Absurd logic you have, you should block that individual that is responsible, not everyone, but since you can't stop the individual you are going to black list the whole neighborhood. Why not just use a firewall or ISA server and just filter it like the rest of the sensible world does. Posted by: Brad on March 17, 2003 02:43 PM I agree with the most cheapest way to protect thyself. Block and then talk. All major users of the internet (wich hold many email addresses) can be reached by post, phone, fax and alternative email addresses. Complaining about blocks usually leads to a solved issue and continued business. But the received spamm only wastes our pressious time and occasionally crashes computers due to attached virusses. In short my motto 'Block.. then talk' Gr. Mike ps. email is fictive due to the warning above., Posted by: Mike on June 15, 2003 04:03 AM SPAM is getting out of control. My system gets bombed by SPAM daily. I have finally given in and am using the blacklists to help and it has stopped about 70% of the SPAM so far. I am adding more blacklists to get this under control. Some will block an entire range, that is unfortunate, but if the ISP is facilitating spammers and does not take measures to stop it, the only recourse is to send them a big message and block their mail from their entire range. Is it throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Sometimes, but it is my server, and I will take that chance to give me and my system some relief from the intense barrage I get daily. Posted by: Joe on June 15, 2003 12:58 PM Whilst blocking entire ranges of IP addresses is sometimes overkill, in certain circumstances, it is the only sure fire way at present to prevent spam. Most spammers utilise a dial up, or dynamic IP addresses, so blocking their ISP is often the only way. I, in common with a lot of the internet community received over 500 spammed emails yesterday as a result of a mail list that utilised harvested addresses. Blocking of the ISP's range of addresses with a stern bounce message to postmaster@domain was the only way to stop it. In terms of expected content/spam ratios, I currently receive over 50 spam emails per day (filtered via spamassassin) with only two that are relevant/or expected. Roy Posted by: Roy on June 22, 2003 10:09 AM my dear , compeliment of the day ,hope this message finds you in good health ,please my dear am wan't you to infom me waht is going ,looking forward to from you bye and remain bless your kind &honess your kingjoe
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