Posted by: gurudev October 24, 2006
Interview Expected Questions and TIPS !!!!!
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Preparation: 1. First of all do research on the company you are applying at. Find out what they work with, a bit of their background business (Market research). You can do that by visiting their web site, ask people you know and so. 2. Collect few questions for your self that you want to ask that firm because you should show that you are well prepared, and are not dumb. And that you truly are interested in the job. 3. Remember to take a copy of your job application, more then one copy of your CV (Resume) (Because there may be few other people who will also be in the interview, and may not have your data. Show them that YOU are very well prepared) Present them your CV if they don’t have one. ´ 4. Take a copy of your school papers, PRESENT THEM ONLY IF ASKED. Interview: 1. Say hello to every one and shake their hands firmly, (If in the west, or Namaskaar in Nepal and India, or do as that country’s costume.) BOTH when you enter the room and leave the room 2. Start the conversation slowly, just talking about your trip from your home to the firm, if it was hard to find way or was it easy, or mention about the weather, or something to make your self conferrable, but don’t go in details of your trip or what ever you start talking about. (I want to say that show also that you are social with people.). After getting into the conversation you will feel better, and then see how easily the conversation turns into the job thing. 3. When answering interviewer’s question remember to look them in eyes when you answer. Look at the eyes of every one that are participating in that room, not only the one that is asking question. Also look at the person who does not speak at all during the interview. 4. Show Interest, Remember to smile. 5. Arrive at time 6. Dress well, and be present in your mind while talking. 7. Sit properly in the chair presented to you. 8. Questions you may and will get from the interviewer: 1. Tell us a bit about your self. 2. Why are you applying for a new job? 3. What do you know about us? 4. What are your expectations form us, or from the job you are applying? 5. Why do you want this job? 6. Why did you apply in our firm? What is so special about us, or what attracted you to apply with us? 7. Why should we choose you, and not the other applicants that also have applied with us? What makes you so special the then others? 8. What is your strongest point? 9. What is your weakest point? (Be honest, Eg: I don’t know how to do this but I am a fast learner.) 10. How do you like to work, Team work or can you also work alone? 11. How do you react in stress? 12. How does your family and friends describe you as a person? 13. How do you take your job, seriously or easily? 14. How is your temper? 15. What are your future plans? 16. What type of people you like to work with? 17. define team work 18. Why did you choose this education? 19. What interest you most and what does not? 20. What have you done to improve your self (Only if you mentioned some weak points) 21. How long have you been unemployed? 22. What do you expect in salary? 23. Do you have any question for us? (YES, if any) These are some typical and untypical questions you may face. Question you may ask the company: 1. What expectations and requirements does this open vacancy or your company have for new employee 2. What kind/Sort of assignments is it presented before me if I am to be selected? 3. How big is the responsibility upon me work wise? 4. How will I be judge at that responsibility? 5. Who will I be working with, How will my boss and colleague be? 6. What kind of opportunities do I have to improve my self and my knowledge? 7. How is the work environment? 8. Who and how are my closest colleagues? 9. Is the Possibility of training program, or further training? And ask any thing that you are confused about the job and the company. Salary is always hard to discuss. So do research on how much are the one in that kind of job are paid. Find a average salary level. When I was presented this question first time I went for a interview. I answered: “Well this is a tough question, I don’t expect you to pay me over nor do I expect me to be paid under. As I thought of this question I did a little research in this topic, and my friends ‘with’ experience are getting “#Number#” amount. I do not have as much experience as they do so I have a amount in my mind of “(Little minus from friends salary number) #Number#” as a start salary.” This you can discuss again after 3 month is gone (3 month is a test period). Good luck
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