Posted by: suraj2006 October 21, 2006
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BESTFRIENDS Niroopa was light hearted. She knew that it was wrong. There was no reason for her to be elated. In fact, she should have been in blues. She kept reminding herself that it was mean to be happy in the misery of some one else, more if that someone else is her very close friend. Her best friend Swati had a recent break up with her seven months old affair and was in total despair. Swati came to her room without even calling her. Niru was trying to fix up her eye brows when suddenly she saw her best friend entering her room. Swati didn’t even look at her. She held her cute black purse on her hands, looked at it for a moment like she hated nothing more in the entire world than that purse and banged it on the couch. Niru was surprised because that purse was gifted to Swati by Akash on their six months anniversary. Last week she even tried to burrow it from Swati to take it to the Rama Aunti’s son’s birthday party, but Swati wouldn’t give it to her, saying it belonged only to her. “Hi sweetie, if you are planning to get rid of that baggie, I’m ready to have it” Niru teased to diffuse the tensed mood. “What the hell does he think of himself? Bas$tard !!!” Swati spoke as if her vocal cord was in her heart. “What.. that bag thinks? Does it have brains?” Niru was still in a joking mood. “ya.. make fun of me.. its my bad day.. as a fact.. the whole year has been bad for me” now Swati was really serious. She sat on the couch holding the purse again on her hands. “hey honey… did you…? “Niru went up to Swati, sat by her side, held her by her shoulders and asked the incomplete question. “yess.. he says its over.. there is nothing between us any more.. that son of a bi$tch said.. he does not find any spark in our relation no more” tears were pouring from Swati’s eyes. Niru felt bad. She knew how happy Swati had been all these months when she was with Akash. She said that she finally had found the right person. Akash used to flood her with gifts. In seven months she must have got at least 3 pairs of slippers, 2 cute looking hand bags, nice expensive pairs of jeans and even kurta surwal. Last set of kurta suruwal was navy blue with darker shades at the sides. Akash told Swati looks gorgeous in navy blue and he could not get enough of looking at her, and Swati would put on that, and spend hours in front of mirror, checking herself at different angles, asking Niru how she looked. Niru said she really looked great, instead thought that Swati glows in pink. In fact she thought navy blue will suit herself more. Swati used to get bouquet of flowers every Mondays to start the week. Niru was amazed how stupid lovers can be. What do they do with those flowers with thorns in them. She thought cards with beautiful writings on it would be more romantic. Instead, Akash preferred to present flowers as Swati was fond of flowers. There are still packs of chocolates in the chest that are yet to be eaten. There were no hick ups in their relations all this time. All these months, Niru was happy that her friend was having a great time with Akash and they just seem perfect couple to her. Just it was with her, that life was not very favorable. She screwed her final exams, got flu in the midst of Dashain festival and could not eat her favorite mutton kabab for the entire week. She had to stay in her bed all the time watching television. There were no good programmes in the TV either. All they could show was commercials and how to loose weight in 3 weeks. Niru was in shape and used to turn heads back when she walked. She hated when people, especially boys, stare at her while she was in streets. Just they were not her type. They were boys, not men. Everyone said Niru was good looking than Swati. She received her first love letter when she was in grade 5. Ankit, her class mate had written in his decorating handwriting that he loves her so much and wants to marry her when they are old enough. Niru handed the letter to the class teacher and Ankit was made to stand in the desk the whole period. Even in her high school, she had at least 3 boys seriously wanting to be with her. But she never paid attention to them. She focused in her studies and now she was about to graduate in Business Administration. Recently, she felt that Humanities would have been a better choice for her, as it covers more arts, and softer side then those strict money making courses. Niru thought of even switching to Humainties, but she was almost about to graduate. She just felt that she wanted to do some thing else, something more. But couldn’t figure out what was that she wanted to pursue. This kept her frustrated at times, especially on those dark nights, when she struggled to sleep. She would log on and see if she has received any new e-mails. All that her computer showed was junk mails. This would annoy her more, although she was not expecting mails from any one. Still, she would check her inbox many times a day. For last one year, Niru and Swati have been good friends. They have really become good friends and could share everything with each other. Swati was doing well in her studies as well as great with Akash. Swati would come rushing to Niru to ask her for her new ear jewels. Niru’s father had ordered them for her 23rd birthday. It was very precious to her. But Swati would insist that it was Akash’s birthday and she wanted to wear something special. Niru couldn’t just deny and lend it to her friend and wished her a long lasting and happy relationship. She would look how excited Swati would be just to think of going to meet Akash. Niru kept feeling that she has too much works, studies and that stupid dance class she has joined recently, hoping that she could extract some good time out of it, was not working. She could not just get the steps right. Her teacher said that she was not focused enough to learn the steps. Nothing was working actually; her boss recently warned her that she was getting behind her schedules. Niru just wanted things to go well for her. She could just go and share her miserable days with her best friend when she finished talking about what happened when she went with Akash on the movie and dinner after that. Last week Swati came to Niru’s place. She had a mixed kind of look in her face. Niru was busy in one of her assignments but Swati wanted to talk. By the looks on her face, Niru couldn’t deny her friend. They talked about different things. Swati worried that these days, Akash has changed a bit. He wouldn’t call her as often as before. Day before that Swati had her hair cut. The beautician said that she looked attractive, but Akash didn’t even notice that. He was just complaining to her that Andre Agassi lost his final match. Swati would wonder, she has had her hair cut for him and he would worry about that bald headed tennis player. Niru just told her that Akash might be busy with some thing else and told her not to take those things seriously. Though she didn’t tell her, Niru believed that Swati looked better in her previous hair cut. Swati left after some hours. Niru tried to console Swati all the time. She told Swati that she deserves someone better and future has more to offer to her. She really wanted to make Swati feel better. After shedding some more tears and talking, Swati left saying that she was much relieved to talk to her. She thanked Niru for being there when she needed and that they will be good friends forever. They hugged tightly and Swati felt somewhat better. It’s been some days, Niru now feel that Business Administration was indeed proper choice for her. She remembered that she wanted to get MBA degree since her high school. She realized that her thoughts of switching on to Humanities was not a good idea at all. She was feeling healthier and even weather was quite good these days. Dance classes were going good and indeed she learnt some new steps. She did good in her assignments. And those commercials in the television, some of them were really funny. As a matter of fact some were even interesting. She was feeling much better since last couple of days. When Niru returned back home from work she saw a man, about 25, looking at her. He seemed like he couldn’t decide if he could smile at her or not. He passed by her and Niru found herself smiling. Suddenly she thought of Ankit, her first fan on her fifth grade. She found it so funny and sorry for him. She thought that she shouldn’t have handed over his letter to the teacher. She just felt for him and wondered what he might be doing now. She hadn’t heard of him since he left school after that academic year. She could not help herself ask the question, weather or not she will recognize him if she sees him again. She laughed at her self, when she thought, if he was married yet or not. Niroopa was lighthearted. She stood in front of mirror and said “I am more beautiful than Swati”.
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