Posted by: naam nai bhetina September 27, 2006
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The new government passed a law which allows every people who has been livin in nepal since 2046 to achieve Nepali citizenship.. This means every Indians living in Nepal shall be eligible for the citizenship. Besides, there's no way to monitor who has been living in Nepal since back then.. Hence, our free border might encourage fake people to get citizenship... We are being Indianized.. and Our peoblem is that we're not united... This is leading to our downfall.. We are not fighing against this and soon we might be outnumbered to fight..... people believe Nepal to be a land to cheerful and pecaeful people.. BUt?? what next.. we are being replaced... We are losing our identity and our nationality... Where will I find my nepal now??? i might have to browse through books to see what kind of people lived in nepal because the new people are not Nepalese anymore... The government is beight backed up by Indians and taking these decisions.. Hence if you want your identity .. Fight against this.. Do watever u can WHY???? Consider this scenario... There's this country with fabolous natural resources.. Second richest nation in water resource, and a mecca for tourists. An extraordinory nation filled with exclusive floras and faunas. Timberowoods, virgin valleys and mineral resources yet to be utilized.. And we have this neighbourwith most people businnes minded. They are exploiters . They see money in everything and our virgin nation is a fabolous destiny for these people focked up by overpoulation... They need more place , more oppertunities .. They see money in our country and we are divided enough to let it go.. Take Tibet as an example.. Why would China, wanna invade a cold, dry rural area such as Tibet.. It did so because there's money involved in it.. They are over exploiting tibet and no nation has spoken against this because China is a global power and speaking against it might affect global economy. Likewise, India is a global power too and in case we are overruled it's useless to expect anybody to speak against it... When many Indians receive citizenship, they will be able to rise in power and hols major posts of our country and do watever they want.. They will ruin our nation... This is a serious problem and I wanna open everyones eye.. Please think about it. We are being replaced...
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