Posted by: vishontar August 18, 2006
Nepe's book on the web
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Nepe Dai, I am sorry for understimating you. I thought you wanted to drag me in unnecessary, non-productive philosophical debate (which I most dislike). That was the reason why I was using strong words against you. My hard words against you were carrying two messages. One, why do you think that I am dumb and two, this is the time for you to listen. Please accept my sincere apology; your second last posting has ashamed me. Dedicated to you: कतराते कतराते हम उनके महफिलमे आये। कतराते ही रहे जव वह हमसे मिले।। खता हुई हमसे ...अब हम ये कैसे जान पाये ? के शिशेकी दुकानपे हमे कोइ हिरा मिले।। I love skeptisism; I don't like gullible people. Be skeptic but open minded. I am going to tell Buddha's teaching in your language (language of science). Hope you will understand. The most important thing is you should keep your mind open. Since, stories make things clear, here is one story for you. Two ants, Mr A and Mr B, were climbing a pile of sugar. Mr A was enjoying the sweetness of the sugar and was repeatedly saying: "Wow what a sweet! Wow what a sweet" Where as Mr. B was sad. Instead of sweet he was finding it salty. You know why? Because they were riding on a salt pile the day before and Mr. B was carrying some salt in his mouth. Similarly, don't carry your strong view with you. If you really want to learn, if you have quest for knowledge, keep your mind open. I am sure you will taste sweetness of Dhamma if you don't bring your ideas with you. Give me logic, give me reason, if you are not agree. I think I will not give you that chance :) Keep those words like Nirvan and enlightenment with you right now. I probably won't use those words to expalin Dhamma. They are quite misleading. :)
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