Posted by: many July 18, 2006
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OK Imi you want to talk about logic let's talk. you say Maoist are terrorist i say Maoist are freedom fighters you say Maoist have killed many people after they declared war i say it's a collateral damage in freedom war you say so why are you complaining about army's killing, i say they aren't on the same boat as Maoist, Maoist are rebels, they are trained to crush, but army has been deployed from government they job is to protect people not to harm them and make them disappear. you'll say you won't agree to it, Maoist have killed so many innocent people too, well! my reply is Maoist are rebels and the only thing they concentrate is to free Nepal from the hand of gyanendra and his goons by hook or crook. now let's talk about me starting and ending with the word mandale, OK here we go, who has been ruling our country since last 50 years MANDALES, what have we had before the 1990's movement, you wold say peace but i will say forced peace. you can take the recent examples, all the curfews, communication cut off, bribing journalist to write for king etc there are numerous. mandales have never represented Nepalese people they have only represented palace. one example of how mandale were it is from ganeshman's auto biography, when birendra called ganesh man to his palace to talk about ending the people's movement ganeshman and birendra sat on the sofa but His royal highness marich man singh (then prime minister, second powerful man in the kingdom of then Nepal) sat on floor and he spoke was sarkar sarkar. can you imagine. i know you can, cause you were born to be one. so as long as there are mandales Nepal cannot develop. now let's talk about the period from 1990-2002. what did we get? we got everything you name it we got, in media we got newspaper TV channels FM station (government's monopoly wasn't there so everyone was free to give whatever news they wanted) we got computers, net, mobiles. taxes were cut down for importing things. so many villages which we never thought could go by vehicles roads were made, Nepal was more transparent, we got to know what the government was doing( all these kandas to cry about was out because of democracy).but the bad news were most of or leaders who gave all their life fighting for the country turned out to be corrupt, even mandales got their second chance in democracy, no one was imprisoned, Vito power was back in the hands of king, royals were above the constitution and the most sad thing happened was a rebel was born. these people who you call terrorist were the same people who were beaten sometimes killed by the rich sahus in the past and still continued after 90. they had no means to fight the corrupt so they got the mean when Maoist declared war. you talk about how you hate Maoist and what Maoist has done. go to western Nepal and see because of Maoist many people whose house were taken by the ill shaus were returned back to them and justice were done on the spot not lingering in court for years and years. than came mandales again (of course by gun peace they didn't have had any chance, do you think they had a chance?if you think yes, man you are one piece of a cartoon)again what happened curfews no communication taxes were raised, religion were implemented, religion became one of the main factor of day to day work. gyane misusing public funds, kamale chor thinking people's taxes are his bakshis started to spend it to suppress people. gyane spent nearly all the country's money for his luxury and traveling, chartering planes, helicopter not paying the chartered money. freeing taxes for his dearest and nearest, spending money on his family so they can go abroad fro treatment. tell me one thing that Nepal gained from 2002 after he sacked shere for the first time till he had to re instate the parliament? only one development. i will tell you all he did was he broke the old bars around tudikhel and rebuilt it. well! now again we have the parliament and people are taking action as fast as the can things are getting better in nepal, I respect people who raise their voice against the corrupt but not against democracy. and mandales should be dragged from their house and be sent packing away from Nepal to built a better Nepal sale imi mandale green card ko lagi motti biha gareko motti ko poi runche thukka sale gadha bhate
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