Posted by: ImI May 23, 2006
Ban christian missionaries
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Enigma2. i also attended christian schools and that too many many years.I agree with u in some point yes they are doing some social service but their motive is not social service .Otherwise they won't be christian if they don't preach christianity.Well everything is fine.Preach if u like.But don't take advantage of poor and expolit uneducated with cheap tricks.U don't know uptill what extent they can go to get people converted . They didn't dare to convert you into christianity cause u come from educated background may be elite families .If they use such cheap tricks on you what would u do.Of course u have all the resource to open there secrets .may be if u had political influence threaten their existence. there is two categories of christian schools if u have been to christian school u should know.One is meant for u and another meant for lower castes and less influential background and don't tell me there were some christian from lower caste studying with u.cause i know what is the ratio and why.See who discriminates more.See who takes advantage of poor and exploits poor in democratic utopia of Nepal.
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