Posted by: Pats May 23, 2006
Organzie for Hindu State
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Shiv, Are you blind not to see that certain sections of the society benefiting from the Hindu State? Why are Brahmins where they are, the Royals where they are, and the Dalits and Janajatis where they are? It is partly due to education but mostly due to the place given by the religion. Banning caste system has done little to correct this Historic Wrong. I think removing Hindu tag will be a symbol of telling all the people that we are all equal. In addition, why do you think Nepal Government manipulates census data to categorize all Janajatis as Hindus? This is to give Brahmins and Chettris, who comprise of 30% of Nepali population more power. Just like a White man sees no racism in the US, a high caste Hindu sees no problem with the Hindu State of Nepal. Shiv, Imi and the Gang suffers from the same White Man and Racism syndrome. You guys cannot put yourself in a Janajati, Dalit, or Non-Hindu's shoes and see their perspective of the Hindu State. If you think Nepali Society is secular, then why do we need to call it a "Hindu State?" Let us just call it a secular state. Why are you so unsecured without the state backing your religion? Thanks for your advice on searching for my identity but No thanks. I am comfortable with who I am and what my beliefs are. I am not so shallow that I need a state’s help to know my identity.
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