Posted by: seriousguy May 21, 2006
Organzie for Hindu State
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The issue of religion should have been left by the politicians as is, because Nepal has never had a problem with religious extremism. Everybody took for granted the fact that Nepal was the world's only Hindu country. Did Buddhists have any problems with Nepal being the world's only Hindu country? Heck no, they did not. This issue opens up a whole knew pandora's box, which should have been left unopened. If you play with fire, expect to be burned. This will surely drive Hindus towards religious extremism. Have we had any problems with Hindu zealots, shiv senas, and the like in Nepal? Never! Hindus are a dying breed! The religion does not make any room for proseletyzation, meaning that while many people have left the religion, nobody has entered into it, meaning that the number of Hindus are shrinking. What's left for Hindus to do? Breed like rabbits? Take arms and chase away people of other cultures/religions? It is tough being a Hindu in this world. We're a dying race. In India for example, the Muslim population is increasing by leaps and bounds, because their religion does not allow them to use condoms, while the Hindu population is just stagnant. We are just dying. In a couple of centuries, we will be as rare as pandas are rare today. Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Judaism lure credulous folks into their fold by offering these poor people money, by spewing vile nonsense about Hinduism, etc. Read some articles written by missionaries--they are salivating at the thought of converting people in Nepal! Take a good look at Korea(you know which Korea I am talking about, South Korea of course) and contrast it with Japan. Japan is still predominantly Buddhist/Shinto because Japan became a developed nation before missionaries were able to disseminate their teachings. Korea wasn't as lucky because they are one of those nouveau riche countries, and missionary work was in full bloom before Korea was able to do anything about their poverty problem. To sum it up: people convert in droves because they are poor, and missionaries know how to exploit this fact. Bahuns, Chettris/thakuris and Madhesis combined make up more than 50% of Nepal's population. Hindus are definitely Nepal's majority, no matter how much the consensus has been manipulated by the authorities. What happened to the rights of the majority? I have never believed in organized religions in the past. Never did I visit the Pashupatinath temple when I was in Nepal, but I just feel that Hindus are a dying breed. We don't let people convert to our religion, while people are exiting out in droves. Buddhism *does* make space for conversion. There are tons of Westerners who are Buddhists--Richard Gere the most famous one. We are definitely dying. We don't allow people to convert. In 200 years, India and Nepal will be Islamic or Christian. It is an inevitability if the trend continues. We don't let people become Hindus. I think Hindus have to fight for their rights. There is no other way. We'll end up extinct otherwise.
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