Posted by: anonymous May 4, 2006
I'm only deep enuff to realize that I'm shallow
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whoamI hah!ur everyone and no one?all in one?;oP hehe..i mean ur anonymous to me ;o) i am to u?;oP hehe..smthing similiar eh?tho we are very diff too?;oP hehe.. anyways yeah dun mind me if i sound like im preachn..but hey..smtimes our hidden talents come out when we dun even really realise/see it and never will?for a long time?until the talent is no more hidden?..ironic?;oP hehe.. anyways..about this one gal..well try?cos if u dun try u never will know?;oP hehe..u dun wanna get tension later thinkn..lost opportunity hoina?just readin wat u wrote..already felt some tension...tension maat laney kya?;oP hehe...thinkn garyo bhaney tension aucha bhancha..and yet we cant stop thinkn?:oS hehe.. and oh yah...everyone has an arsehole!so duh!we are all arseholes!!!:oD and how much an arsehole are we?well..u know..that depends...its pretty surprising the things we can chuck in our arse i tell u!things that are bigger than we kinda 'expected'?hehe..which just goes to show ..that er...we can be a bigger arsehole than we think we have?we are?tho yeah smtimes..dherai thulo kocharnu try garyo bhaney dhukcha?;oP hehe..pain teaches us eh?i mean pain is good?it makes us realise we aint as big an arsehole as we thot we are?...but then one..nor no arsehole is the same..some likes yeah some likes being an arsehole?some dun?..tho they are one?hehe... enuf of arseholes...seriously bhaney!..sacchi dun u grin when u see someone get pissed off when another calls that someone a d**k..i mean ok if that someone was us..we might not really be grinnin ;oP hehe..but this world...some are d**ks...cos they have one?;oP hehe..and some are c**ts cos they have one?..but in the end..d**ks or c**ts...we all are arseholes...cos we have arseholes?:oD.. and oh...dun let that shallowness scare u..;oP hehe..i mean are u scared..u cant go deeper?be deeper?cos u feel there is nothn much to find in a shallow water?deep intrigues us eh?....smtimes u know..we think its shallow..but who knows..we think its swallow..cos we are too scared to try and check and venture..and find out its deeper than we think?and tho this could work vice versa too...smtimes we think we are deep..but later we realise its way shallower than we thot hehe... but one will only really know..know a bit more..if one tries?dares to go deeper..or dares to check if its at least as deep as one thinks..tho of cos the thot that findin oneself shallower than one thot..kinda scares us?;oP hehe..but hey!those who dare wins eh?i mean theres more to lose too?:oS..but oh well thats the price we gotta pay?more risk more gain?... anyways yeah..we are all arseholes..that was wat i intended to dun u dare feel alone ;o) hehe..and hope u try..i mean ur loss if u dun?and maybe her loss too?^o) hehe and u reminded me of one song...been a while since i listened to let me go check google for the lyrics before i type it here ;oP hehe.. *drum rolls* Arsehole - snuff wat an arsehole..wat a fukn wanker wat a toss pot..a toe rag.. a fart in a jar! i've been dreamin...a dream that keeps recurrin.. turn the corner..ur there.. turns into a nightmare wake with a shout.. im an a fukn wanker cos i cant get into frips wit wtf ur about.. im an a fukn wanker..(not just literally?wahahah ;oP) im a toss pot..bastard(not the other way hai ;oP ehe i earned it!by meself!:@ hehe)..a toe rg fukwit fart in a jar! we'r all arseholes... we'r a bunch of wankers we'r toss pots..fukwits..toe rags..gobshits..farts in a jar! ur all arseholes!ur a bunch of wankers... ur a bunch of toss pots..fukwits..toe rags..wetwipes!farts in a jar! we'r all arseholes...we'r a bunch of wankers we'r toss pots..fukwits..toe rags..gobshits..farts in a jar! we'r all arseholes!!! woooooohoooooo!!!:oD hehe anyways goodluck whoever u r...and hope u dun mind..i wont try askn who r u ;oP hehe..i mean if i ask u that..u might do the same..u know wat goes around comes around?and duh!look at me nick!;oP hehe..
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