Posted by: suvachintak1 May 2, 2006
Behind the Democracy in Nepal
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"end result. Look, a democratic republic with Multiparty System is the only way Nepal will progress" wouldnt we all like to think that. belive me i love my mother land to head towards the wont...................untill these netas are changed................ "ho cares who was protesting and who was paid and who was throwing rocks and who was manipulated and all that" why shouldnt we care.......see thats the sheep attitued "who cares"................. its because we didnt care thats why we had to go through same process again......... we have to care what exactly is going on what exactly netas are working towards....... democracy is not like VIAGRA you take it and it works.............................. we as the citizens of nepal have to care whats going on in our country and why other country is interfaring...................these are same people who said they brought democracy 14 years ago.............only differance now is they have learnt easier way to make money with help of selling our country resources.... so we need to beaware care about our country........................ Maoist is a big problem i agree its like growing cancerr for our country if we dont stop now it will spread very very deaply................this whole seize fire is just for dekhaoti...........they are recruting more people at main time....and spreading in kathmandu................wait and see.....untill spa say anything worng about them...........or something that they dont like ................they will go to the houses of innocent people and start killing and we have to care who these people are ....................i hope you not gonna say who cares when they come to your house and do unwanted..........
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