Posted by: sambhu May 2, 2006
Behind the Democracy in Nepal
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i absolutely support everythingzen22, we people are the masters of Conspiracy theories,i dunoo why we have the mentality that every bad thing that happen in our country is because of the indians although some of the points made i that article( which by the way is old cause i read a similar kind of article a long time ago) is worth looking at into, especially how India looks at handling nepal's water resources.I India being the regional super power takes by default that it has to look out / interfere with it's neighbours matters as it will be affected if something happens, it is the same way US thinks that it being a superpower has the right to interfere with any countries internal maters if they think that it is somehow going to affect them.And i do believe that since india has so much economic ties with it's neighbours that it is in fact going to affect them.So their foreign policies are directed to bring out the best possible benifits for them , so what's wrong with that ,every country has the right the have a foreign policy that is good for them,but i make no mistakes to realize that not always these policies are good for we nepalese people, but i don't think india would go to the extent of supporting an armed conflict that too for a communist revolution that has time and again spoke as India was their primary enemy.But make no mistake that the maoist in nepal have a close relation with the naxalities in india and thats where they are getting their fire power.But as far as the government of india after aving disastarous failures in srilanka and bangladesh would not again do that in nepal. and lets not forget that india is one of our biggest donors and economic partner and without their financial and economic support it would be very difficult for nepal . coming down to the issue of water resources i have to agree that indian policy has not been very encouraging for nepal and in at that respect maybe thay are bargaining a little more that that suits nepal. However we have to find out a solution here cause it has been ages and we should have taken advantage of our water resources by now, it is fact that we do not have the financial resources required to build dams and stuff and we need foreign investment and that the nobody is will d charity here ,anyone inerested will look for a profit so we have to find the best deal here and the people should know that foreign investment is not selling our rivers and land.i dunno what is wrong with people every time somethings seems to be building up they seem to be crying bloody murder and saying that our river s are being sold.And hey we cannot complettly ignore india in the process cause common every river in nepal flows down to india, so dams and stuff is going to affect them, imagine what will happen if india build dams in all the rivers in their side of the border , we would be flooded in dys. well thats all i have to say. peace out.
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