Posted by: gaule_hero April 23, 2006
Petition against India ready
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Kalp - get a life... your are a f**king CLUESS HYPOCRITE....obviously, you're clueless about the maoist problem in nepal. i suggest you do some background research before you start making statments that are beyond your own comprehension. 1) "Pressure the political parties to take the King’s offer and form an interim government to bring the situation under control" after bashing india, you're asking FOREIGNERS to pressure nepalese people to accept a SOLUTION PROVIDED BY INDIA TO SAVE THE KING'S A**. who do you think should determine the future of nepal, NEPALESE OR CHINA, US, UK, UN? it's like sachit samser saying, people of outside katmandu are not nepalese... idoits you're totally clueless, my friend. Gyane is a liar, he is not to be trusted - says one thing, does another. fundamentally, he's has not addressed the fundamental issue (1) how to solve the maoist insurgency (2) how to make "royal nepal army" "nepal army" (3) how to rein in paras "uday hussein" shah (4) firing all the MANDALE district, zonal and reginal commissioners (5) firing all the MANDAEL secretaries in the ministries and GER-SIABS ambassadors (6) freezing the assets of MANDALE ministers before they start emptying the state coffers. 2) Stop sheltering and harboring the Nepali Maoist leaders in Indian soil and send them out of India india has problem containing its own conflagrating maoists and naxalities problems, forget about them focusing on nepalese moists in the indian soil... moreover, maoism is a nepalese problem, so should be solved by nepalese... remember nepalese maoists are also nepalese... 3) "Demand the Maoist leaders to opt for a ceasefire and to renounce violence and armed struggle" have your read the 12-point agreement between the spa and the maoists? obviously, you haven't because you're STUPID... read items #3 (Bringing an end to the ongoing-conflict by,putting the RNA and the Maoist Army under the supervision of the UN or other reliable International Agency until free and fair elections for Constituent Assembly is completed) and #4 (Maoists commit to democratic values, competitive multi-party system of governance, civil-liberties, human rights, and the concept of Rule-of-Law.) what's Gyane's solution to the maoists problem? NONE. remember dictators all over the world need an excuse to extend their power. in nepal that's called maoist problem. that's why GYANE want the maoist problem to continue rather than find solution to it. 4)" Preserve peace and stability in Nepal and the South Asian region" ... ENOUGH SAID, you stupid a**
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