Posted by: Nepaali April 1, 2006
Sick and tired of illegal immigrant
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Thugged out, I know it's a vicious cycle but why blame the illegals for all the ills that America currently faces? Re: Border Security: The GOP is going Blue in the face screaming about how "aliens" want to come in and attack the heartland- well the GAO office folks that were able to bring in enough material to make two dirty bombs did so with paperwork that was fake and they were white and not a single border patrol officer caught them--that say's something about the lack of traning for border patrol. Additionally JOhn Walker Lindh, Blond hair, blue eyed son on Marin County became the "American Taliban"..the enemy is not just the illegals. Health care: Yes, illegals are a strain on the health care system but I would venture a guess that folks who work for Wal Mart, Sam's Club and thes rest of teh modern slave labour industry are as much of a burden as they are- back to Corporate Greed and the need to increase teh profit margin while horrendously shortchanging the workers Vis-a-vis Iraq: What oil? The country is teethering on civil war and America will be kucky if the troops make it out of there before it makes another Vietnam which it is dangerously close to becomming--so no hope for Oil profits and hence, no quick fix to poverty in the U.S Re: Corporations: Again, illegals are here because there is a market for them that they are able to fill. The Capitalist Economy is driven by the profit margin- that lies at the heart of the Outsourcing debate and at the heart of the illegal aliens debate. If the farm owners and the other service industries were willing to give Americans a decent living wage then perhaps the influx from the South would not be as much as it currently is but the fact is that corporate America and the economy desperately needs these labourers to help the economy stay afloat especially in this environemnt of ballooning debt and onset of inflation which is bound to hit by the end of this hair brained administration's reign of terror. Bottom line..don't fault the illegals for wanting to have the hope of a better life...Sensenbrenner, Lou Dobbs and Bill O' Reilly need to get their heads out of their Derriers and face reality...this is not an issue that a sense of misplaced Nationalism is going to solve any time soon. As far as alleviation of pverty is concerned, I seriously doubt that having the borders closed and forcing illegals to leave the country is going to help alleviate poverty--that needs to be a systematic Institutional policy that can only happen through an administration that does not insist on giving tax breaks to the richest in the land at the expense of the poorest...I'm sure you agree :-)
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