Posted by: mokshya March 28, 2006
Nepalese Christain In USA
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When I was in Nepal few months ago, two newly converted nepali christians came to my house... As soon as they entered, they saw my grandmom in the corridor so they started explaining her about how great christianity was.... Being an old woman that she is, she didn't understand a bit of what they were saying so she called me for help... One of the two fools showed a picture of the earth to me and asked with an intention to make mockery out of Hinduism, "so tell me where do you see a fish holding the Earth?" I said what??? and then he gave me this 'I know what i'm talking about' look and further said, "Hinduism believes that the Earth has been held by a fish. Miss show me the fish here." I asked what his point was. He then raised his hairy chest to the air and said, "Hinduism is everything, but truth. Science doesn't believe that the Earth has been held by fish.. This is simply absurd. you need to follow the religion that is more real." Honestly, I don't know if that's what Hinduism says, but I have a mind of my own. I don't have to blindfoldedly follow every wrong thing that my religion or people of my religion would teach me. I know the boundary between religion and science. I know the thin line between true piety and religious hypocrisy. I had never been rude to any person on the basis of religion only, but seeing that person't arrogance and ignorance at the same time, I thought of putting his words in his own mouth and asked him back, "Where have you seen a virgin give birth to a baby. Earth is still too big of a mystery to be questioning someone's faith only based on that ground. But how big is a woman's body and how much brain do you need to know that a woman can't have a baby on her own. Now you tell me, why you believe in a religion whose creator's origin itself is based on such a stupid lie?" He stayed quiet for a while and then both the narcissists got out of my house before my angry dog attacked them. After hearing the new convertee act that smart and be Mr. Know it all, my blood just boiled. I would have surely listened to his opinion if only he talked about my religion with a bit of respect. Those who think that they will become great just by putting someone different than them down are sure going to hell no matter whose hand they hold. if all the sinful christians went to heaven and every good person of other religions went to hell, then there too will be hunger-strikes and killings and that place will also be no different than the present day Earth.
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