Posted by: gwajyo February 17, 2006
We need democracy !
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suvachintak1: "but houde protest it should be banned all together. every time there is protest public property is destroyed." I do agree with it. This is because of the lack of punishment to those people who never get punished for their crime of setting a fire to gov. vehicles and other properties. Our sad reality is that party people never realise that gov. property is people's property as well.The problem in Nepal is about of maintaining law & order. The ones who set fire after assasination of 12 nepalese never got punished; the people behind recent nagarkot massacre is already forgotten. There are the pictures of people who're setting on vehicles on newspapers. But why don't any gov. punish them? The present gov. is doing all sorts of things; but why can't they put the people setting fires to those vehicles in prison? They care about even a single word against monarchy but how about arresting those people. At least, this will be single good work of their gov. For those speaking against democracy, I wonder how do these people hate the word democracy and go on calling it as wound? How does it associate only with parties and some crooked political leaders? This is their narrow definition of democracy. They can't see beyond it. Perhaps, they still think that it's just a change of their master from kg to somebodyelse, and saying that there are crooke leaders, and they don't want them to their master. I'm repeating it; we're talking about abolishing slavery; and I understand your concern for not wanting to have some crooked master. But u won't need to follow the master blindly in democracy. There are some bad things that happened during these years of democracy; but why do you blame it for democracy? These are the people and I'm also saying that these crooked people and all hooligans need to be punished. But there're also many good things that happend during democracy, and it's because of democracy, for which you do hesitate to give credit for.
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