Posted by: thugged out January 27, 2006
"America dream " turned sour.
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I feel sorry for you Bhumika. Well, sure, even if you flip burgers at burger king, you do have a better life here than in Nepal, but compared to fellow Americans, you're not really successful. Furthermore, is living a Middle-Class life really an "American dream"? I don't think so, if you ask me. You need to be prosperous and successful, whatever that means. Got to do better than your parents and what not. Economists like Stiglitz believe that not everybody can be propserous. All I'm saying is that "American dream" is an urban myth, and you're not alone, Bhumika. "American dream" is a reality for only a handful of people. Most of us are just like you. There is very limited social mobility. If you're born poor, chances are you'll be poor the rest of you life. That's the primary difference between republicans and democrats, in a way. Republicans think "American dream" is a possibility, while many democrats think it can be a possibility through incentives. Many liberals, however, feel that "American dream" doesn't even exist. This is a very controversial topic.
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