Posted by: thugged out January 11, 2006
Call centers
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"Dell may or may not be saving a ton of money by outsourcing its tech support, but it is definitely losing loyal customers as a result of the move." Let Dell decide what's good for Dell. If they truly believe that they're losing money by outsourcing certain tasks to India, then they will have no choice but to bring back those jobs to America. As it stands now, many companies are moving to India because they save bucks. And let's face it, companies exist to make profit. If they don't make profit, they go under and may have to file for bankruptcy. Last I heard, even Reuters has a plan to hire 1500 more employees in India. While it might not be good for certain Americans, it sure as hell is good for the company. Plus, what it means is that Reuters can work 24/7--that is Indians will handle things when it's night-time in America. If it's bad for Dell, then they'll make the right decision. So please don't act like what you're saying is all true. Companies know best, let them decide. "I was a HUGE Dell fan from probably '91 or '92 until the last few weeks. I currently have an Inspiron 5100. I will *never* buy another Dell again" That's quite funny. So one guy bitches about Dell and you're gonna start painting Americans with a broad brush--that Americans have started becoming anti-Dell. A few examples don't mean squat if you can't prove without a shadow of a doubt that Dell is indeed losing money. Dell's share peaked in 2000, but after the dot-com bust, it went down, as was the case for most American companies. Here's their income statement: As can be seen, Dell had higher income in 2005 than in 2004, and the trend is that they will continue making profit. Stop lying please. " called Dell support, spent 10 minutes getting through the menu and then on hold, and got someone in India who obviously had not done well in English class." There are two types of people who are vehemently against outsourcing in America: 1)People who are afraid that their jobs will go abroad: These people are just stupid. If you want to be competitive in this ever-changing world, you need to make yourself competitive, that's the bottom line. Go get yourself trained or something, or go get another degree. Do something. These suckers act like all hell's about to let loose. 2) White Nationalists: These people believe that America is going on a downward spiral due to America getting too comfy with foreigners. They wanna protect the American economy. They're against immigration, legal or illegal. They feel America is for Whites only. These are the Pat Buchanan types--the David Duke types who wear American flag on their sleeves. These people are jingoists and would love for a race riot to start in America, while they watch in glee as minorities get whooped. My certificate tells me I'm an American as well, but I'm not afraid of jobs getting outsourced. Use your head for a second. If the type of job I do gets outsourced, it just means that I'll need to retrain myself and keep myself ahead of others and increase my chances of finding a job. Fools, on the other hand, will just blame somebody else for their own failures. Most Americans can't even point America on the map. Also, the crux of the matter is that in mathematics and the sciences, Asian countries have caught up to America. For 60 some years, America has remained on top, and yet when other countries want to advance, some suckers start whining and bitching because of their own low IQ. "Cutting costs is good business -- up to a point. But it remains to be seen if customers will stick with Dell (or anyone else) when the service and quality they expect gets cut" Funny as hell. If you checked my link above, you will know that Dell has indeed been making money. If customers are really disappointed and they start revolting against them, then they'll do what's necessary to keep their company competitive. Who are you to tell what's good and what's not for the company. Are you a communist or something?
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