Posted by: Captain Haddock December 25, 2005
Slut and The City : Promiscous Feminisim
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Interesting take on feminisim and promiscuity that some might like and others may need to take with a pinch of salt. But some interesting arguments worth pondering over: - Sex and the City influences a new generation of college journalists Dec 24, 2005 by Monique E. Stuart Unlike most of my female college classmates, I was never a fan of the show Sex and the City. My roommates would rent the videos and buy cheap champagne and watch them. I watched the show with them one night. After barely stomaching two episodes, I declared the show would be better titled “Sluts and the City” and then went to bed. I wish other students had followed my lead. Instead, they chose to usher in a new wave of feminism: Slut feminism, where how openly promiscuous a woman can be without judgment or penalty is the new test of gender equality. Wouldn’t the suffragettes be proud to see how far we have come? Across the nation other female students were falling in love with the “slut feminism” that Carrie Bradshaw and her sex-obsessed cronies in Sex and the City epitomized. Student newspapers across the country started running sex columns, featuring college women publicizing their sexual exploits just as the Carrie Bradshaw character publicized hers. USA Today reported, “From ‘Between the Sheets’ at Tufts University near Boston to ‘Sex at the Beach’ at California State University in Long Beach…college students are talking about, dispensing tips and offering advice on sex, dating, sex, love, sex, relationships, sex and sex.” After doing some research, I found the topics a little more limited. Mostly written by women, the recurring theme seems to be the female anatomy, female orgasms, masturbation, and oral sex, which, thanks to Bill Clinton, isn’t considered sex, according to most of these students. From Cornell University’s Cornellingus, to Princeton’s Vulvagraphy, and Yale’s Sex and the Elm City, it seems that the Ivy League isn’t immune to this trend, either. The so-called “best and the brightest” are becoming the best and the brightest of the porn industry. Last month, in Cornell University’s column, the author explained how she could get more sexual pleasure alone from herself than she could with from a man. In Princeton’s column, they compare a woman’s intimate anatomy with a Timex watch, writing, “they can take a licking and keep on ticking.” It’s good to see that an awesome educational opportunity such as studying at one of the most prestigious schools in the country isn’t going to waste. How proud their parents will be when they start their careers writing for the pages of Playboy. You can’t even judge them. In their moral relativist world, no one has the right to judge others. In Columbia University’s sex column, Sexplorations, Miriam Datskosky explains why the all too common “walk of shame” shouldn’t be shameful at all. She argues that men and women should be able to go out and have sex whenever and with whoever they like, and when walking home the next morning—wearing the same clothes from the night before, their make-up smeared, and their hair a mess—they shouldn’t be judged. “It is not up to a random stranger to make you feel ashamed,” she declares. Moral relativism and the sexual revolution had a baby, and boy is it ugly! She states, “Every single one of us has the right to choose. That right deserves respect.” Respecting someone’s right to choose to be promiscuous and respecting their actual choice to do so are two different things. I’m not advocating outlawing promiscuity, but I do support holding people morally responsible for their choices. There’s not much parents can do, short of slapping a chastity belt onto their daughters and sewing their mouths shut. Most student newspapers are independently run. And any attempt to have these columns removed would certainly be met with accusations of censorship by students who have been so indoctrinated that they don’t understand obscenity is not protected by the Constitution. Students, on the other hand, do have some options at their disposal. With the help of organizations like the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, they can bring conservative women leaders, like Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, or Phyllis Schlafly, to their schools to challenge this type of thinking. For now, unfortunately, it seems that women are leading the charge of slut feminism, considering they are the only ones authoring these columns. But this shouldn’t be surprising when a play like The Vagina Monologues is being performed on almost 600 college campuses. The play’s main message is that women are nothing more than their sexual anatomy. Many students' parents, having come of age in the sixties, might be thrilled with what the seeds of their “sexual revolution” have finally come to reap. Sexual freedom has turned into sexual obsession - with perversion and promiscuity being applauded while morality and chastity are condemned. Female college students from the slut feminism camp have finally achieved equality with the men. It’s a shame, though, that they view equality as an equal number of notches on their belts. Monique E. Stuart is Program Officer for the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute.
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