Posted by: usofa December 8, 2005
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I n f o r m a t i o n 1. name: G*** shah 2. single or taken: taken by Komal 3. sex: Male 4. Age : 57 years 5. siblings: थिए......... रटटटटटटट मा मारिए सबै 6. hair color:पाकेको 7. eye color:Black 8. shoe size: N/A ..... 9. height: 5 something r e l a t i o n s h i p s 1. who is your best friend?तुलसी गिरि 2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: टेन्žसन को time ma के को GF ni ! s p e c i f i c s 1. do you do drugs?: सधै लिइ बक्žसिनछु 2. what kind of shampoo do you use? i use saop :D. jk 'Panty' nai ho. 3. what are you most scared of? ७ दल र प्रजातन्žत्र 4. who is the last person that called you?: माधब, हिम्žमत छ भन्žदै... 6. how many buddies are online right now?: none..recently reshuffled my cabinet.. 7. what would you change about yourself? my Face...दाजु को जस्žतै हुन पाए ! f a v o r i t e s 1. color: Red 2. food: रक्žती निकै मन परछ | 3. boys names: Paras 4. girls names: Komal 6. animals: नेपाली 7. sports: Civil War h a v e | y o u | e v e r 2. smoked?yes 7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yes, infront of America, India and china...गोहि को आशु भनु न 8. pictured your crush naked? Komal le marchhe maile khiche bhane... 9. actually seen your crush naked?छर्žया मोटि !!! 10. cried when someone died?गोहि को आशु भनु 11. lied: hell yea; it always works :D ( I agree with Thees keta) 13. been rejected?yes.. by India, America, UK 14. rejected someone?yes... to India, America, UK and 7 dal 15. used someone? कोमल लाइ गरेको थिए दाइको हत्žया गर्दा । कोमल घाइते भएको कुरा क्žया । 16. done something you regret? So far no... l a s t | p e r s o n you killed: khai, ko bhanu? you imed: तुलसी गिरि you yelled at: मन्žत्रि हरु ...Kam nalagne chhan sabai what attracts you: हिटलर makes you laugh the most: सात दलको भाषण d o | y o u | e v e r sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: no wish you were younger: sometimes...Like Paras ! cried because someone said something to you?nooo... I don't wanna cry every day ! N u m b e r of times i have had my heart broken: Recently when सात दल went to india to visit Prachanda. of hearts i have broken: *no comment* of continents you've been to?: all of tight friends: 4/5... China, Pakistan, North Korea, myanmar, Iran F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s 1. do you like fillings these out?: kaam pa chyina? 2. gold or silver: cash :p 3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: चमत्कारी धारा १२७ :) 5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: tyam nai hudai na; beehana uutera khanu. 12. drink alcohol? khai, YEs khako ta cha tara Yes bhanai maan chyina :( Shree Pashupati nath le mero sadhai kalyan garun....
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