Posted by: thugged out December 7, 2005
Bahun must be the rule to Nepal.
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"Kashmiri pundits don't look 'austroloid' and so what if they are austroloid" Wait a second. You do realize that Kashmir never fell under what has been deemed "Aryan" India, do you? Their history is much more shrouded in mystery, just like ours. "But clearly you're not a part of the kathmandu brahmin community. You'd have known by now that everyone's interelated by blood or marriage" Uh, my mom's side of the family migrated to Ktm about 2 generations ago, while my dad's side migrated about three generations ago. Most brahmin community in Nepal probably migrated from outside as well, just like mine. Have you been to Kathmandu recently? The place is so damn dense now. Because of Maobadis, people have flocked on to Kathmandu in droves. "Correct me if I"m wrong, but weren't you saying your khadka relatives had white skin and blue eyes? Khadka isn't a brahmin, or even a baun. " You're wrong. I said Khadkas I know. "If brahmin is the highest cast in nepal, either they're not real brahmins (and therefore not the highest caste), or they're inbred (and therefore genetically screwed) and that the caste system should NOT make brahmins, or bauns out to be the highest caste" You make sweeping statements like these without really backing them up with research. If you wanna be taken seriously by me, you'll need to back up your inane assertions with good sources. I know bahuns in KTM tend to say that they're all related in Ktm, but that's such a load of BS. You see, bahuns have been streaming in KTM for ages now. The GOTRA system disallows marriage between people with same gotra, although one primary flaw is that it allows marriage with somebody who has mother's gotra. "If brahmin is the highest cast in nepal, either they're not real brahmins (and therefore not the highest caste), or they're inbred (and therefore genetically screwed" Jews are inbred too as well. Look at their IQ. On the flip side they have more genetic disease than everybody else, but look at their IQ. In Sri Lanka, there is a tribe that has practiced inbreeding for *decades*. Guess what has occured? They have almost *zero* genetic load. In other words, they are almost free of genetic diseases. The problem with you is that most of what you're saying are just opinions. I base mine mostly on facts(scientific journals). Bahuns from Gorkha are light-skineed you said. Oh really? Sources please. The only subjective thing I have said is the khadka part. Aside from that I can back my statements with sources if I choose to.
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