Posted by: IndisGuise November 22, 2005
We Surrender!!!
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A small clip from a random article from the web. "Then emulating the Navy pattern, which name its ships after females, the hurricanes started getting feminine names. But during WW II U.S. Corps and Navy official started christening hurricanes after their wives and loved ones. One officer named a hurricane "Hot Lips", as he fondly addressed his wife. And the hurricane warning read: "Hot lips hits Florida". The warning was too sexy to comprehend. So this system was dropped as well. In 1950 the first formal naming pattern was formed. And the hurricanes were named as Able, Baker, Charlie and so on. But tempting females names couldn't be resist for long, and again in 1953 feminine named returned. One school of thought also believed that women and hurricanes can shift their direction on the drop of a hat. So on the bases of their common trait the hurricanes should have feminine names only. A logic worth pondering! This system antagonized women's lib. Their held that like women, even men folk are equally prone to distraction and drift from their path. Had men folk been focused then there would have been no marital discord. A reasoning which World Meteorological Department could not refute. So In 1979 women's stand was vindicated, when both male as well female names were included in the hurricanes name list. Women's lobby was overwhelmed." --- Uptill 1978 they used to name hurricanes with feminine names. Of course it could not last, what with the feminists of the world increasing "din duguna, raat chauguna". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But make no mistake, I am not a misogynist. Not even close. In fact I'm an exact opposite.:) Women do better job at that. ;). It is an axiom! Later folks, IndisGuise:)
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