Posted by: anonymous November 17, 2005
Commander Sandhurst and his 'Hard Thingy'!!...Sandhurst Lahure
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oh well..smtimes one gotta live in a story ;o) la if u wanna make me that..can i do anything about it?cos if i could do something about it..u see!:@ ke ke re!:@ duh!;oP hehe... Rugby me?macho?wahahahaa...have pity on me poor malnourised(malnourised?am i kiddn me!!wahahahaa..duh!!!i meant in terms of nepali food :o( hehe) frail body!!!pls!!!!!hehe...and oh yah might as well request before its published hehe..can have proper nepali food there ;o)...and oh yah thinkin about it..always wanted to blow those bagpipes hehe...can i ?can i? *eyes start to twinkle*(oi not that ladylike type khalko hai!:@ hehe) pls do say i can!!duh!;oP hehehe dyam the plot is already thickening!!and it reminds me of daal!!dyam im hungry again!!!!hehehe... ---------------------- and oh yah give that baadar his request..make him lady ko who comes to visit her wahahahaha hehe..well he did say associated to her wahahaa...sheesh baadar its just a story duh!!in real life diff ke ;oP hehehe... and well yap...better let the storyteller tell his story ;o) hehe...better not 'corrupt' him re kya ;oP hehe... and yap...heres to Life...*picks up his bottle of water*(got that only here with me hehe) heres to that one life we have....whatever it brings...laughter and other good good things i hope mostly :o)..but who knows hoina?well one life before the inevitable death comes unknocklingly...Carpe Diem!!! maties!!! woohoooo!!! good day :oD..(wont type here for today hehe let others type ke ;o) hehe..let type and type re kya ;oP hehe..)
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