Posted by: MatrixRose November 10, 2005
Sajha's Funniest Personalities!!
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Hehehe....hoina says that maile ho ta tettikai ma bichara lai karaucha ...anyways you ko ra mine ko signs afai pada hai...:) Scorpio: Scorpio is a Water Sign and a very powerful one at that. All Scorpios appear confident and usually most of them are in reality just that. With a Scorpio think excess; they all want to live life to the full. This usually means the good points about life and the bad, but all Scorpios have some form of excess within their makeup. The Scorpio man hides it far better that the Scorpio woman, who will let her emotions boil very much to the surface. All Scorpios can turn their hand to anything with regards to a career. If they need to make a living and make money they don't mind doing any job that gets them what they require. They usually have a good physique and are very rarely are overweight. This is usually due to the fact that they find it very hard to relax and will often drink or smoke. This sign likes to sample everything. In this respect Scorpios are a contradiction; they might smoke and drink to excess and then spend hours in the gym to keep fit and to burn off that nervous energy. Scorpio females differ from their male counterparts in many ways. They are definitely more emotional and can appear highly-strung or indeed as some would say 'high maintenance'. You will find it very hard keeping up with a Scorpio as they often burn the candle at both ends and seem to have an inexhaustible amount of energy. Sexually they are the masters; passionate, sensual, even animalistic they approach sex like everything - with a real zest. But the Scorpio girl is looking for more than just great sex; they are looking for their soul mates, for they are great believers in fate. Like their opposite number Taurus, they do not suffer fools gladly, and if you become a close friend of a Scorpio do not let them down, as they will expect a lot from you. Scorpio women always remain youthful, not only in appearance but very much in their head. They have the abundant energy to play with children for hours and children are very drawn to them. It is a sad thing to see a Scorpion woman over the age of 34 who does not have child, as they will usually only feel complete with one. If you're in a relationship with a Scorpio female, I bet you have fun watching their every move. Scorpio women like freedom but they need to feel very, very loved. Problems can arise if you are often apart as they very rarely like to be on their own and must have close, tactile contact with a member of the opposite sex. This can lead them into trouble. Many Scorpio females feel they are not cheating on their loved one as long as they dont actually have sex. Therefore, you find many of them in clandestine meetings so they can have closeness and affection from the opposite sex as long as it doesent go too far. Scorpio men are all of the above, but in many respects far less than the females. They usually have a modicum of self-control, maybe because Scorpio males are far more confident than females and they are less inclined to be fatalistic. If youre thinking of dating a Scorpio, male or female, be aware that sex will be high up on their agenda. Watch out for their jealousies in the future. Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned! Scorpios are usually very energetic and rarely overweight. If anything they have problems just chilling out. They find it difficult to relax and many will drink or take something to wind down. Any health problems with Scorpios are self-inflicted by their own excesses and they have no one to blame but themselves. The key word for all Scorpios is moderation. Gemini: Well what can I say about Geminis? You could talk for days about them. Firstly, they are an Air Sign; if you imagined what a person would be like if they were ruled by the Air as opposed to ruled by the Earth, it would give you a little bit of an indication as to our Gemini friends. A key thing to remember about all Geminis is boredom, boredom, and boredom. If they're in a relationship and they feel bored they will do something about it, and if they dont talk to you about it theyll go and talk to somebody new about it. And then you can say goodbye to your Gemini. They can be incredibly romantic but are very capable of being in love with more than one person at the same time. You can spot a Gemini usually by asking them about love and they might say; "My last boyfriend or girlfriend, I still love them but Im no longer in love with them." This is because they always keep the door of their heart open to romantic possibilities. They will only very rarely get back together with an old flame but they do like to remain friends. Geminis would like the whole world to recognise them for their creative talents, as all Geminis are creative in many ways (another way to spot a Gemini). If you ask anybody what they know or think of as a Gemini, they always say "Oh yes, Geminis are the twins - split personality". This is true, but in reality it wont just be twins, it can be five or six people all rolled into one and you never know which one is going to pop up or when! One minute you have the childish Gemini; next the mature sophisticate; next the crazy, happy-go-lucky; etc, etc. You would very rarely be bored with a Gemini but as I pointed out earlier watch out for the Gemini getting bored with you. It is too simple to call Geminis fickle but to most people that's how they can appear, especially if they've been on the receiving end. They are just so romantic but can have their minds going in two or three directions at once and possibly two or three relationships at once. You see, they need creative and intellectual stimulation to keep them happy and it can be hard to find all this in just one partner. So they will have a myriad of different friends who together might not get on or socialise. They like to keep most of them separate because they are just such different people. All Geminis are extrovert and as they are very romantic they are usually the couple you will see hugging, kissing and sometimes cavorting in public. Not many Geminis spend much time on their own out of a relationship. The problem is when a relationship starts, they might have by chance got involved with somebody else at the same time, often within the same week. Its real feast or famine. Don't think all Geminis go round having affairs. This isn't true. Some of them (few) sustain long lasting, loving relationships, and just fantasise about affairs, usually if they have more stable aspects in the rest of their birth chart. Appearance wise, Geminis usually stand out. Many of them are taller than average, but even if you come across a Gemini who is five foot tall, they still have an air about them that makes them stand out in a crowd. The Gemini walk is very obvious; they have a very relaxed stride, almost a saunter. This is not to say Gemini women walk without elegance, but usually they will have had some training to do so. In conversation Geminis can sound very intelligent and an authority on many subjects, a 'Jack of all trades' but a master of none. Geminis make good actors. They love the idea of playing a character and two or three weeks later becoming someone completely different. Geminis love music especially Gemini women. They buy their latest CD single and when most people are fed up of hearing it, they are still playing it on repeat. All Geminis usually have quite a large CD collection. On a first date with a Gemini, if you talk along the guidelines of music, films, television or any creative media, you won't go far wrong. Remember, creative intellect is a turn on for them. I like to think of Geminis as chameleons; if theyre interested in something or someone, they can adopt those characteristics. They like to totally immerse themselves but they dont really use what they learn, they just pass it on. Geminis have very varied taste in foods and because they tend to love to travel so much and are open to new exotic cuisine. But one thing to note, they don't like waiting around and so will often choose fast food. Also, dont be put off if you go on your first date with a Gemini and you are in a restaurant and their eyes are wandering everywhere. This is typical of all Geminis as they are so inquisitive and are dedicated people watchers. They are the true MTV generation (short attention span). In a restaurant, let them sit with their back to the wall so they can people watch and they will be happy. You will just have to tolerate their eyes continually wandering. They are very capable of listening to three or four conversations at once and they are the great communicators of the Zodiac (they all have very large telephone bills). All Geminis are lucky, as they always appear youthful. Health problems are usually rare but they should be careful where their lungs are concerned, as this can be a weak area. Try to get your Gemini friends to give up smoking. Other than that the majority of problems they will have are usually psychological, being split personalities.
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