Posted by: anonymous November 9, 2005
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hehe...glad that i took a break check if anything up here re kya ;oP hehe.... being repetive a flaw?:o| ...just 2 words? and i 'feel' so much in that line u wrote..?:o| dyam..if its a flaw..dyam dun freak me out!!cos dyam i have flawed limitless!!but wat scares me is that i wont stop!!hah ;oP hehe.... and well hastiness...most of us always feels that hoina?well i do :oD..hope others are having a bit more peace ;o)..tho 'peace' (seclusion which we try to hard to achive) is a bit overated to me re kya...well hit me baby anytime re kya ;oP..then be be secluded from the world ;oP hehe..gonna be be with oneself one might as well see wat the world has to offer hoina?;oP hehe... anyways sheesh!!just wanted to say cheers for sharing :oD..and if u did it in haste that just shows the willingness to share asap ;o) cheers for tryn re kya ;o).... and well wat can i say about what u shared?im speechless(yap i am!!hard to believe hoina? hehe...which does happen when i do read..but not just read anything hai ;oP hehe)...was readin it with "boys dun cry" (the cure ko song i think hehe) tune ringing in me head...and warriors wont give up ni ;o) sure shes a lot better then wat we smtimes think ;oP hehe.... no idea if she is like wat u made her out to be..but yap im sure ur words did more than 'justice' to her ;o)..tho u werent tryn to 'impart' any 'justice' ;oP hehe... def a character we love to have around hoina?(i would hehe)...and well like it or not..sheesh!!wats wrong with guys hopin the other woman of their life is like their mum?i mean duh!!get over the jealousy ladies!!;oP hehe...guys just wanna be loved and showered with love like their mum does hoina ;o)..sheesh!!; well wat will u say when u have a son..and ur son hopes to have a wife like his mum?close to her?duh!!!;oP... we are just humans!!!not perfect..but alright ;o) treat us right re kya ;oP hehe...and hopefully u get treated right too :o| ..but oh well..boys will be boys ;oP...hehe... and cheers for sharing again John..:oD...and hehe dun mind me sayn this..but couldnt u make it easier for us by puttn ur name behind the title now dun be too critical!!cos critics are there everywhere re kya ;oP...just for once hear me pleas re kya ;oP hehe.... good day :oD.. (ps am kinda hopin deep inside that u do write about the meetn with her and her hubby ;o)..think that be quite nice eh?;o) hehe)
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