Posted by: anonymous November 4, 2005
Friends mistaking yr friendship?
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kaly...dun worry ur not the only one always gettn assuming here hehe but then again i think me assumptions might be pretty right this time(for the 1st time) re kya ;oP hehe.... and since i fall into the guy category ...well u were lookn for an opinion hoina?so here it is...(too late to regret now!!!u asked!!and i will type!!!!!WOOHOOOO!!!hehe)and oh im speakn for mself so hehe dun take it others from me gender thinks and feels the same hai..i dun wanna take that huge responsibility of representing me gender re kya ;oP hehe 1st things 1st..u all are women :oD..and we all are men :oD..(well one day we all will rightfully grow up to be a woman or a man...given enuf time and if our mind doesnt screw up too much and wander away from our wat we were born as ;oP hehe)...and as they say(and wont stop saying..hehe) Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars ...guess thats how it is..thats how we are..and thts how it is going to be..(forever?:o| well hopefully we change a bit ..but lookn at sure no one wanna change that much hehe..we are pretty happy with being who we are hoina?bloody genderist!:@ ;oP hehe) dunno if the Venusians realises they do create a lot of 'signals' that we Martians might mistake for smthing else if we Martians do get a bit 'brave' check if the 'signals' we 'see' and 'read' is wat we might think it is..well gets frustrating to both the genders..when one wasnt even gving such 'signals' hoina?...but well hopefully venusians being who they are(they always seem so nice and good and always so understanding to us martians but of cos smtimes they just 'erupt' without warning :o| hehe) will clarify to the martian they were 'conjuring' those signals themselves hehe..and yap one thing to note here..dun take MERCY!!NO PRISONERS!!!hehehe(venusians are pretty too kind if u ask me ;oP hehe)..martians want it straight from the horses mouth ke ;o)(well i do i think ;oP hehe)and nah..dun need to hee haw ;oP watever that is hehe...oh oh..tho its not proven i think we martians have a pretty thick skull..:o| or some invisible thickness there :o| so thats why im sayn NO MERCY!!!it does take some effort to penetrate into the skull...well im sure u know wat i mean..esp with ur experiences with us Martians ;oP hehe.. and yap after penetrating our skulls...pls dun forget to clarify and ask(we martians are weird :o| ..smtimes..wat smtimes..most of the time bhaney!:@ ... we dun tell if we are not asked ;oP hehe...but with the coaxing power of the Venusians im sure u all can coax it out from us ;o) hehe)..ask us wat made us conjure those 'signals' from ur Venusian sides...cos of cos u dun wanna repeat the same 'mistakes' with another Martian hoina?and more frustrations again?;oP hehe..well maybe its a Venusian trait..which u might never be able to change about urself ;oP..but it be good to know...what we Martians sees hoina?what u all 'show' to us that makes us to think wishfully ;oP hehe.. yap u all have to ask :oS..cos martians are too thick skulled ke :oS..hopefully the venusians arent thick skulled too ..if not gawd bless us re kya ;oP hehe...well ur already askn yap there is hope for us all!!!WOOHOOO!!;oP hehe... in the end..if the 'solution' (if there is any solution ;op hehe) is..that u have to stop being that nice to everyone :oS...well guess wat needs to be done has to be done :oS...yap pretty feels shit to try and control being oneself hoina?:oS..esp when u have to stop being nice..cos that nicess is mistaken for smthing else :oS...look at me...i feel guilty typing here...cos i think its not nice to waste database the earth ke!!!;oP hehe cos no way are we ever gonna survive on mars!!!!!hehe..(im losing it hehe..well some of u might think i already lost it..but i like to beg to differ re kya ;oP hehe). but yet i cant stop typing :oS.. anyways well..we are who we are...seems like ur head is spinnin...hopefully it be less...seriously these 2 genders exist to spin each other head ho ki kayho?:o| if thats the case..dyam :o| no wonder we are goin to the 'other' side ;oP hehe... anyways it takes 2 to tango ; good luck there..its all about tryn to find the balance hoina?:o| and if ur frens thot it that was a compliment ;o)..clarify it quick and good luck wit that ;o)...remember NO MERCY!!!hehe..we guys a ruff and tuff re kya ;oP..we can take it duh!!!;oP hehe...NO MERCy!!!if not dun blame anyone if u might get more headaches later ;oP hehe...and if it seems its not gettn into them..sheesh it means u are still being nice re kya ;oP hehe.... and may gawd bless us Guys!!!hehehe..hami jasto simple creatures..sheesh!!and still dare to ask us why we do this re?:o| whos passing the goodness bhaney!!!:o| ..stop showering goodness to us!!!!!save us from ourselves!!!!Stop the goodness!!!!!!dun pass us so much ke..DUH!!!we didnt start it!!!;oP ..yah yah typical us not takin the blame ;oP hehe... anyways good luck :oD...but u wanna know smthing? some ways..feel like thankn that fren of urs wahahahaa..cos well u gettn tension out of all this hoina?wahahahaaa..well urghh duh!!its not like i like to see the other gender gettn their head spun!!but sacchi bhaney!!yo keti haru ke ho bhaney :o|!!!:@:@:@ frens of the other many times i always try to explain..dun say this or dun do that..cos it makes me head spin!!!tara they do it more :o| sacchi bhaney!!!its not me fault i unintentionally spin their head ;oP hehe...i try not too hyaa :oS...but they always spin me head!!tho i tell them actually plead with them!!!!!arggghhh!!!so hehe urghh subconciously when i see the other gender gettn tension..feels good in some wierd ways :o| wat have i become?:o| wat have they made me?:o| ketis!!!arghhhhhhhhh!!!kick them to mars bhaney!!!!:@:@(ok if that really happens i know the guys are gonna bang me arse wahahaahah ;oP...sheesh smthings are better not wished hoina?;oP hehe)and oh dun worry..wat goes around comes around :o| me head is spinnin right now..cos dyam!!I need to go and study and typing here is just makin me head ring more :o| hehe dun wish for more head spinnin to me hai :oS...mero frens are there to do that for me :oS... good luck to u and well he is ur fren and well if frenship between u and him means anything to both of u.(2 to tango hoina ;o)..)im sure both of u will come out better from this situation :oD....Do clarify with him hehe..and yap NO MERCY to him ;oP hehe...stop being a keti for once sheesh!!;oP hehe...oops i meant to type..stop being too NICE..(dunno wat happened and i typed that instead :o| ;oP hehe..)for his sake duh!!;oP hehe for frenship!!!!heheheehe... hah dunno wat i dun mind me re kya :o| hehe...(i lost it again :oS hehe) good day and yap long live frenship..watever ;oP hehe...and bless our heads :o| hehe.. *gone*
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