Posted by: vishontar November 3, 2005
Is it good to remain virgin before marriage?
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Zalim Ji, forgive me my friend, I couldn't write you yesterday. I wanted to finish what I want to say, however, I couldn't. Glad to know that at least one person is reading my awefully long postings :). At times I thought nobody would be reading :). Regarding the books you are looking for, I don't think I will be able to point out the right one. Vedas, I am reading online translation. Geeta, you can choose any one. Any translation is good. Once you will move on, you will be able to understand the Sanskrit, that will give you a real flavor of Geeta. One thing I would like to alart you is Geeta is not an origional voice of an enlightened person. It is a scholarly artifact of Vyansa, where he has put his words on the mouth of an imaginary character, one of the mythological heros, Krishna. Geeta contains the truth, real discoveries of Buddha and Great Yogis; there is no doubt. But Byansa has manipulated the truth to give some worldly message. Hope you have enough Bhavana-mayi-pannya to see the opium seeds inside the sweet cake :). Ya you are right, I sometime feel that I shouldn't write. First of all people won't read and understand my leanthy postings, and even if they read and understand, Srut Mayi Pannya will give nothing to them. At times I feel that I should write sometime. Things start from Srut-Mayi-Pannya, there will be some, who will understand Dhamma and try for Chintan to Bhavana mayi pannya. The truth for me is: Most of the time I don't want to write. I have some friends who encourage me to write. I write for them too. More than that I write when I feel people will get benefited from me. Regarding modern life, please don't hesigate to post if you have disagreement. I haven't concluded my posting. I must to it by tonight. I started to write on this thread because I wanted to encourage people to observe Sila (morality). Abstaining from sexual misconduct is the most important Sila. Of course many poeple would be wondering, what am I talking to. If at least one person could realize the importance of Sila from my postings, I will think I have utilized my time. My dear friend, time has come for me to leave Sajha. Eventhough at the last moment, I found a wise friend whose presence gave me a feeling of wormth. I hope to see you next time when I come back to Sajha. Otherwise world is very small place ................. :). Vishontar
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