Posted by: anonymous October 30, 2005
Sixth avenue heartache
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wahahaha :o| ok...dun mind me for doing me 'wahaha' pretty much cant believe im here hehe..wel library was closed and well thot i be heading home..tara wat to do i was on a roll with me typings(for marks hehe) so pretty much headed to the labs(hopin me fren was there)..dyam seriously i do think why do i try to screw meself bhaney!!!i shud have put some credits on the fone!!would have been so easier to call me fren and ask..but oh well since didnt have credits(yap yap i know useless uncalled infos..but duh!!thats me re kya ;oP hehe).... so yap this good feeln that fren might be there...well me typing here answers it all doesnt it?and wahahahah not one fren but 3 frens here wahahaha...and well opened the door for me!!WOOHOOOOO!!!I can go type!!(but hopefully not here hehe..anyways thot i drop in here before i head back to where i need to go..not need!!MUST GO!!hehe..just thot i 'correct' and reply to smthings ;oP hehe) --------------------------- so as i was sayn!!!oi the scarlett!!!heheheeh who doesnt know flippu is a gal!!?just cos i call her bro?(well long story ke...since i stopped 'makin' sis..wanna hear why?even longer story and since i gotta type wont cause much more boredom/irriating than i normally can..wat to do?im natural ke *smiles proudly* :oD ;oP hehe)well basically wats with gender anyways?and plus guess im a bit thick and wont admit it i assumed wrongly about her gender and well yap..still calln her a 'bro' sheesh!!anyways cheers for explainin re kya ;o)...hehe..always appreciate it when someone tries to explain even tho im beyond hope and explanations :oS hehe...and of cos comments too i appreciate...sheesh if u dun comment how will i know anyways?who cares if me am sensitive or not!!!u care?:o| dyam dun scare me re kya ;oP hehehe and dunno wat 'thing' u talking about still wondering who this danny sanny is :o| seriously everyone mistaking me for someone else!:@ sheesh!!cant they see me nick!!!cant they read!!does it DANNY!!!DUH!!!!!hehehe... and those chatters or whoever..sheesh katti assumming ho!!and i thot i was the only assumer :oS..oh well its alright i guess..tho i dun feel so special now ;oP wahahaa...salla chatters haru!!gaff payona?ke ke gaff gardei baseyko huh!:@ ma sannga chai never gaff!:@ bored ta bored!!ma pani ta bored chu!!always am re kya ;oP hehe...tara sheesh!!ma hunda never gaff!:@ ok where was i?hehe oh yah..if u see them say hi :oD..i think i might know some thru hi and bye...tara ke garney...always ending up talkn to meself..realised i can do it am doin it these days re kya ;oP hehe...seriously...any free pyschiatrist here in sajha?cant afford lobotomy :oS so hehe free psychiatry seems the next best option re kya ;oP hehe anyways let them think and assume wat they like..its let live and live world anyways :oD..all i know is..i blame it on the exam fever im suffering from these days ;oP hehe..:oS ..and of cos....that sandhurst bro too!!always mentioning...BLAST THAT KEYBOARD OF YOURS!!" and sheeesh when the hell did that sayng subconciously went into me mind!!(seems like i do have a mind :o| when did i get it back?;oP hehe..)and now typing like urghh...dyam im gonna blast the keyboard sooner or later..(ppl do stare at me direction when i type!!!!arghhhhh!!!)and worst thing!!the keyboard aint mine!!!its public property!!may gawd forgive me!!!!!its sandhurst bro fault i tell u!!!!!hehehee... if u(u refers to those salla chatters haru!:@ ;oP hehe) ask anyone who does know me..(duh!!does anyone know me?look at me bloody nick!!it says all re kya ;oP hehe)...they tell u..errr....dun start a convo with me wahahaha :o| its scary i tell u :o| ..well i shud know..i know the experience :o| cos duh!!urghh talkn to oneself do i stop?:oS ;oP hehe.... anyways well watever others i give a rats ass?duh!!!i would!!if i had any collection of rats asses!!dun even own one rat to get their asses!:@ ;oP hehe..ok...before i go into another ke ke ko kura hehe...well just know ...well in some thankful to some of u here...cos i was controllin pretty well..but yap typing a bit does help me keep sane(more like keep insane hoina?hehe..oh well let me think me own way!!ppl live and let live!!!hehe...) dun mind me blabberings..and yap better dun read them hehe..seriously are nothings..and hehe..pretty fun to just get out bhakwash out of me system so that maybe i can get other better 'knowledge' into me system hehe... anyways say hi to sandhurst bro from me if u see him case i just get back into 'control' hehe...and where is that chris bhaney!!:o| where did he go?cant he see someone is here ;oP hehe... la ta better get back to me work but need to give some 'comments' on one more thread..i think i give meself the pleasure re kya..shudnt make meself suffer too much hoina?hehe...ani long as chapter re?dyam!! *tells himself* control keta!!control!!u need to go and do work!!and if ur other mate sees ur typing in sajha he will blast u wahahahahaa.. hehe ..well that mate of mine knows i do spend some time here..but sheesh doesnt he know?live and let live!:@ ;oP hehe...and he opened the door for me now wahahaha better go do me work before he notices im not blasting the keyboard in the other place..but here wahahaha...dyam!!!he cares!!!!!salla gadda!hehe... and oh has anyone got to this site? http://www.sajah.comwahahha..bloody typo!!was feeln too hyper ended up there insted of smplace else when i sat down in this lab hehe... ok time to spend some energy in the other place..:oD anyways someone blast their keyboard pls!!!enuf of me blasting mine!!!!!hehehee...dyam where is that topah?and that topahni?never thot i be typing so much alone :o| well duh!!I know im not alone!!but sheesh!!let me feel alone tho im not alone will u!!hehe have a good day everyone :oD...have sure i will stop :oS..well sooner than later hehe..EXAM FEVER ke :oS... ARGHHHH!!!!:oS hehehe... now im feeln thirsty again!!arghhh!!!and no!!dun assume!!this lab feels humid :o| la good luck to too included :oD...lets do some work now :oD...enuf passing and sharing bhakwash hehe *gone to post one more comment ;oP hehe*
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