Posted by: dreamz05 October 19, 2005
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In f o r m a t i o n 1. name: ****h*a 2. single or taken: Taken 3. sex: female 4. birthday: 14th nov 5. siblings: 1 6. hair color:brown-highlighted 7. eye color: light brown 8. shoe size: 7 9. height: 5'6" r e l a t i o n s h i p s 1. who is your best friend? Ra**** 2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yah f a s h i o n | s t u f f 1. where is your favorite place to shop: Guess, xpress, aldo,....n more 2. any tattoos or piercings: ears n my belly s p e c i f i c s 1. do you do drugs?: No 2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: VIVE 3. what are you most scared of?:Snakes 4. who is the last person that called you?: my co-worker 5. where do you want to get married?: Haven't made that plan yet 6. how many buddies are online right now?: I m at work.. 7. what would you change about yourself?: Hmmm.. nothing in particular.. f a v o r i t e s 1. color: Black in winter and blue in summer 2. food: Chinese n just Chinese.. though it can't be compared to nepali food 3. boys names: anything thats not common but not hard to say either 4. girls names: my name.. duhhhh 5. subjects in school: Biology 6. animals: small puppies n my fav.. fish 7. sports: wanna watch almost everything but about playin... well depends on the company ;-) h a v e | y o u | e v e r 1. given anyone a bath?: OHH Yeah!! 2. smoked?: Yep! 3. bungee jumped?: Not Yet but planning to do it soon.. 4. made yourself throw up?: Yeah when the ceiling above me swirls around coz ofhigh consumption of alcohol. 5. skinny dipped?: will do when I have my own swimming pool... 6: ever been in love?: I think so 7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Of course... being a grl.. thats the best advantage.... cry n cry till u get what you want!! Not always though... my wickedness works too!! 8. pictured your crush naked?: Hehe.. of course 9. actually seen your crush naked?: Hehe.. 10. cried when someone died?: Yep 11. lied: Sure 12. fallen for your best friend?: well haven fallen for a very close fren. (a guy) 13. been rejected?: in case of love... i don't think so 14. rejected someone?: not rejected but it similar??. 15. used someone?: Yeah... Sometimes you have to think about urself too.... but it wasn't that bad.... 16. done something you regret?: I don't regret in anything I do. c u r r e n t clothes: wearing a button- down pin striped shirt and dress pants w/ black shoes make-up: Shadow, liner and mascara n gloss annoyance: High pitched voice smell: : Dolcece n Gabanna - light blue favorite group/artist: switchfoot...I was listening to their cd this morning desktop picture: my home computer is plain.. at work a pic of phewa tal book you're reading: Just finished reading "Memoirs of a Geisha" in dvd player: none l a s t | p e r s o n you touched: my co-worker... well that was a pat... you imed: none you yelled at: I don't think i've yelled at anyone recently...isn't that good??? :-) o p p o s i t e | s e x what attracts you: their smell and physique last person you slow danced with: khai.. i can't remember... ain't my life boring??? makes you laugh the most: this guy at work.. not really my co-worker but wheneve I talk to him he makes me laugh tooo much.. makes you smile: I m always smiling. d o | y o u | e v e r sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: yeah...when i was a teenager.. about 4 years ago.. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: No wish you were younger: yeah :-( cried because someone said something to you?: Yeah... thats my fav past time... N u m b e r of times i have had my heart broken: lots of time of guys ive kissed: talking about a real kiss or a peck on a cheek?? of girls ive kissed: same as above of continents you've been to?: Asia, North America of tight friends: 3/4 of cds i own: last time i counted was....ummmmmmmm khai.... but definitely more than 40 (not including the burned cds... i m talking about originals) of scars on my body: 2... i don't need to say where... do i? F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s 1. do you like fillings these out?: sometimes when i don't like doing what i m supposed to do 2. gold or silver: Silver 3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: flight plan, salaam namaste(hindi) 4. favorite cartoon/anime?: tweety...ohhh chooo chhweeeeeeeet 5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: just coffee.. i don't eat breakfast 6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: no one... jusss myself 7. could you live without your computer?: NO. 8. would you color your hair?: yeah... all the time... i don't over do it though... 9. could you ever get off the computer?: Yeah when my contact lens start giving my problems.. 10. habla espanol? Not really 11. Parle le francais? Not at all 12. how many people are on your buddy list?:u talking about msn??? well i guess i got 10... rest of the ppl are all under other.... I picky bout my frens'... 12. drink alcohol?: last time i got seriously drunk was 1 n half month ago... i couldn't remember how i got home.. Woo its over now... this gave me a lesson that i've wasted enough of my time n should go back to my work now.... :-) (Ignore my typos if i have any... tried to type fast n didn't feel like goin back again to check the spellings...:)
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