Posted by: BathroomCoffee October 11, 2005
Chinese food song
Login in to Rate this Post:     0       ? (Oral sex tips not good for work) (Feminine cleanliness not good for work) George Bush's Booze Blues Concerns over George W's stability grew this week after tabloid reports suggested the reformed alcoholic has started drinking again, in response to Hurricane Katrina and the ongoing crisis in Iraq. According to the National Enquirer, the US President has been secretly boozing for weeks in Washington, and was caught red-handed two weeks ago by his wife Laura when he was at the ranch in Crawford Texas. "When the levees broke in New Orleans, it apparently made him reach for a shot," an 'insider' told the Enquirer, "He poured himself a Texas-sized shot of straight whiskey and tossed it back. The First Lady was shocked and shouted: 'Stop George!'." In more George W news, an animal welfare organisation in Romania revealed they've started using pictures of George W on posters throughout the Eastern European country to help persuade people to adopt stray dogs. Ioana Casetti from the Romania National Committee for the Protection of Animals said they selected George W as well as Adolf Hilter to emphasise their slogan 'A dog loves you just the way you are.' "Our idea is to make people sensitive to what an animal can offer in terms of affection," Ms Casetti explained, "By showing them that even the most hated dictators on this planet received love from their dogs." (Ananova) George W Caner Links: ('George spent most of his time carousing at the Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE) fraternity house or "the drinking jock house", as it was known. Some classmates remember him as a "hard-drinking good-time guy" and "a jock sniffer" who "loved to raise hell". Ken White, a DKE contemporary, told me: "My wife remembers him roaring drunk one night at a DKE party without a date doing the Alligator; that was some sort of dance back then when you fell to the floor on all fours and started rolling around . . .', Kitty Kelly) (Bush-Hitler Comparison Unjust: 'Hitler was a captivating speaker, inspiring throngs of Germans to lift their right arms at a 45-degree angle; Bush has difficulty remembering each and every tiny little syllable, causing American intellectuals to curl the right sides of their mouths into what is known as a "sneer." . . .') (The Bush Arrest Guide: 'Boys and Girls! Scared of what might happen if you get in trouble with the police? Well don't be! Because ignoring boring laws written to control poor people is not only a harmless rite of passage, it's a sacred Bush family tradition . . .')
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