Posted by: BathroomCoffee October 11, 2005
Chinese food song
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Dancing Tip Links: (Disco: 'Think of the dance floor as a stage, think of audience and performance/ Vary the dance sequences within one song, like a boxer, use combinations of moves/ jester with head - for example, stick out lower chin to project defiance, machismo/ Sometimes lip sync the words to let audience know you are totally into the song, and know the words, and using the body to express these lyrical feelings . ..') (Hip hop dance tips: 'Stay low: Hip hop dance is all about bending your knees slightly and keeping low to the ground. Anything high looks funny . . .') (Lap-dancing tips: If you are performing your first lap dance or feeling in anyway shy or unattractive keep the lighting very dim. This will help to provide a cover up for you until your confidence grows. Shake whooot ? Shake what yo mama gave you... he he Forty-Something Women's 20-Something Fantasies A new survey of 2.000 British women over 40 has revealed that most enjoy sex far more than in their 20, with just 1 in 3 admitting to faking orgasm, compared to 56% 'when they were younger''. "Forty plus women know how to enjoy passion and are far more sexually confident," Health Plus editor Colette Harris said, commenting on the findings," They've far better sex lives than binge-drinking, bed-hopping twenty-somethings". (The Sun) Despite the survey's findings, scientists from Leeds University published the results of another study of fifty plus Brits this week, which revealed that 20-somethings currently binge-drinking and bed-hopping could be stacking up the definitive memories of their lives. Study professor Chris Moulin told the Guardian that his study shows that most people accumulate their most cherished lifetime memories in their 20s, in a phenomenon he's named the 'Reminiscence bump'. "The reminiscence bump could be just that its when the most exciting things happen in your life," the Professor suggested, "What we'd like to do is argue that it's to do with the formation of self." In more Brit sex news, a new study of 5,000 men by Esquire magazine has revealed that Brit blokes top the European infidelity league. According to the men's magazine over two thirds of coupled up men admit to cheating on their partners, with others considering one night stands not constituting unfaithfulness.
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