Posted by: IndisGuise October 10, 2005
We Surrender!!!
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Contd. . . So what can we do about it? To quote Nathaniel Branden, "The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance." And I am here to aware you my "brothers in arm." Now, do yourself a favor and the our's-kind by solemnly pledging that, we, the men of today unequivocally understand that we have no power over our own destiny, and can not fight against the might of the fairer kind. Fairer kind - ha ha, see the irony? By definition, indeed it means, unbiased; not to mention pleasing to look at. Now, you see the contradiction? Also, I will give one tip to save you from misery. Listen to it carefully. . . ((((((((((((((((((((Just give up, will you?))))))))))))))))))))))))) Why fight the almighty? One of my favorite Irish personality, a multifaceted poet, novelist, critic and more, once said, "How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being?" Catch my drift? And then he said, "to a woman in love, loving too much is not loving enough." Now beat that! Case in point, I can graphically paint a sorry picture of myself, as an idiot who tried to prove otherwise. What did I not do to prove I can go beyond loving too much? But what did I know? After all I am man. I tried everything, sang a song, told a joke, had many sleepless nights, and went hungry for I would miss the bus to please her; so much so that I almost believed I succeeded. Of course, only to get slaughtered - subject to her hormones. I can proudly say that I was at the mercy of her bodily cycle. And she kept on saying - I do not care, and I never did. I banged my head over and over, but no avail. I almost considered taking asylum in some mental care. Seriously! She did however enjoyed my efforts immensely, proof being her endearing smiles and laughter. Ah. . .and I sold myself to that. Show me a man who have conquered woman, and I would show you the end of the universe. As simple as that, my friend, as simple as that! And yep, that's mine. Hail to the Katrinas and Ritas. We Surrender!!! (If only they did not have nuclear, which we affectionately call tears; we might have had a chance - just barely, but still. Hellooooooooo! It is a chance nevertheless.) I bow my head in respect and admiration to the better half of our being, and pledge my utmost devotion to thee(s). Signing off, IndisGuise;)
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