Posted by: dk September 7, 2005
more on sardar
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Here are some more on Sardaar?s **************** Sardaar reads a board ?The writer is brilliant, the reader is idiot!? He gets angry and hence erases the board and writes back, ?The reader is brilliant, the writer is idiot....? **************** Two Sardaars were walking together when they saw two women approaching them. Sardaar1: ?Oh damn! How come is it possible that my wife is coming with my girlfriend?? Sardaar2: ?Huh? I was just to tell you the same thing.? **************** Sardaar at an art gallery: ?I suppose this horrible looking thing just in front of me is what you call a modern Art?? Art dealer: ?I beg your pardon sir. That?s a mirror.? **************** During a shopping, Sardaar goes to the counter and shouts: ?Where?s my free gift with this oil?? Shopkeeper: ?I am sorry sir, there is no free gift with this oil.? Sardaar: ?Are you cheating me? It?s clearly written over here- Cholesterol Free? **************** Sardaar is moving here and there across the black and white patches of the zebra-crossing. After few minutes, he is murmuring: ?I wonder, why this piano is not getting played?? **************** (During a job interview) Sardaar1: ?What is your education?? Sardaar2: ?B. A.? Sardaar1: ?Oh no! So you have studied just two letters? That too, in reverse order??? **************** (Sardaar is trying to buy a TV in an electronics shop) Sardaar: ?Do you have color TVs?? Shopkeeper: ?Sure, sir!? Sardaar: ?Then give me a green one, please.? **************** Wife: ?What will you do when I die?? Sardaar: ?Probably, I will also die.? Wife: ?But, why?? Sardaar: ?Don?t you know, sometimes too much of happiness may kill you?? **************** Sardaar is filling up an application form for a new job. He promptly filled up the columns titled- ?Name?, ?Age?, ?Address?, etc. Then he came to the column- ?Expected Salary?. He was not sure as to what to be filled there. After much thinking, finally he wrote- ?Yes?. **************** **************** (Sardaar is telephoning to AirIndia) Sardaar: ?How long does it take to fly to Amritsar?? Receptionist: ?Just a second.? Sardaar: ?Thank you.? (Then Sardaar hangs up the telephone.) **************** Sardaar goes into a supermarket where he sees a shiny object. He asks the clerk- What is that shiny object? The clerk replies- That is a thermos flask, sir. The Sardaar then asks- What does it do, by the way? The clerk responds- It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. Sardaar likes it and buys one. The next day, he walks into work with his new thermos flask. His boss sees him and asks- What is that shiny object with you? Sardaar replies- It?s a thermos flask, sir. The boss then says- What does it do? Sardaar replies- It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. The boss asks- What do you have in it? The Sardaar replies- Two cups of Coffee and a Coke. **************** Sardaar bought an answering machine for the first time and fixed it with his telephone. But, two days later, he disconnected it because he was getting complaints like ? ? You bloody receive the phone yourself and respond like you are not at home??? **************** Sardaar bought an answering machine for the first time and fixed it with his telephone. But, two days later, he disconnected it because he was getting complaints like ? ? You bloody receive the phone yourself and respond like you are not at home??? **************** Sardaar went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain. ?I would like to buy this small TV? he told the salesman. ?Sorry, we don?t sell to Sardaars? the salesman replied. He hurried home, removed his turban and changed his hair style, and returned back to tell the salesman ?I would like to buy this small TV?. ?Sorry, we don?t sell to Sardaars? the salesman replied. ?Damn! He recognized me? Sardaar thought. He went for a complete disguise this time, haircut and new hair colour, new outfit, big sunglasses, then waited a few days before he again approached the salesman. He said ?I would like to buy this small TV?. ?Sorry, we don?t sell to Sardaars? the salesman replied. Frustrated, he exclaimed ?How do you know that I am a Sardaar?? ?Because, that?s a microwave and not a TV? the salesman replied. **************** Sardaar, with two burnt ears, went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what happened to his ears and he answered ?I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.? ?Oh, dear!? the doctor exclaimed in disbelief ?But, what happened to your other ear?? ?The son-of-a-bitch called me back again? Sardaar replied. **************** **************** (Sardaar visits his doctor to have his advice to help him loose weight.) Doctor: ?If you run eight kilometres a day for 300 days, you would loose 34 kilos.? (At the end of 300 days, Sardaar telephones the doctor) Sardaar: ?You are absolutely right doctor, I lost exactly 34 kilos in 300 days. But, now I have a problem? Doctor: ?What?s the problem now? Do you want to gain the weight again??? Sardaar: ?No, no, doctor! The problem is that I am 2,400 km away from my home now.? **************** (Sardaar is staying on the railway tracks with some wine and chicken with him.) Somebody stops him and asks- ?What the heck you are doing here with all this stuff?? Sardaar: ?I want to commit suicide. But, the trains, they always come lately. So, I wonder I don?t die of hunger till the train arrives.? **************** Sardaar goes to theatre to watch a movie. ?You must be 18!? it was written on the gates. ?Damn! I am 30, too old to watch this movie? Sardaar returns home frustrated. **************** (After revealing from his friends that ?You must be 18!? stands for ?18 or more?) Sardaar goes to the theatre to watch the same movie again. ?You must be 18!? it was written on the gates, as usual. This time he calls 17 more friends of him and all 18 go together in. **************** Q: How did the Sardaar try to kill a bird which he caught? A: He threw it off a cliff. **************** Q: Why does Sardaar always smile during lightning storms? A: He thinks that his picture is being taken. **************** Q: Why do Sardaars have ?TGIF? written on their shoes? A: To remind them always ?Toes Go In First?. **************** Q: How can you distinguish when Sardaar sends you a fax? A: Because, it has always stamps on it. **************** Q: Why can?t Sardaars dial ?911?? A: Because, they can?t find the key ?11? on the phone. **************** Q: What will a Sardaar do after making photocopies? A: He will compare it with the original for spelling mistakes. **************** **************** Q: What will a Sardaar do if he wants an additional white sheet of paper? A: He makes the photocopy of another white paper. **************** Q: How do you make a Sardaar laugh on Saturday? A: Tell him a joke on Wednesday. **************** He he he ! keep rolling
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