Posted by: Anti_G August 25, 2005
Protest in NY City Part II
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Tsk, tsk Nepe. What happened to your ?tough skin? and all that trash you like to talk about YOUR intellectual might? : ) Not so tough skinned after all. Especially not when taking a dose of your own medicine : ) For an individual who does not identify with the word ?limit,? you are quite defensive today Nepe. Did somebody get under your skin and make you feel uncomfortable? Did you look at yourself in the mirror and see through your fraudulent self? Are you second-guessing yourself these days? Do you feel your confidence level has slipped a few notches? Psychotic behavior??? : ) Who? Where? When Nepe goes around playing his games, pretending to be three different people at the same time, using those different names to praise himself, pretending he is the bulwark of the republican movement, talking trash to anyone and everyone who does not agree with him? apparently, this is very ?normal? behavior? But when someone else puts Nepe through his own ringer, notes that Nepe?s tone has subdued over night, challenges Nepe to answer 6 simple questions (posted for everyone to read) and paints the most realistic image of Nepe for everyone to see, the person is obviously ?psychotic.? Right Nepe? Sure. Whatever you say : ) No Nepe, I think it is YOU who is taking ME too seriously : ) For if I were guilty of your characterization (too serious), I wouldn?t waste my time whipping a pansy like you and showing to everyone else, what you?re really about. Haha. And then comes the mother of all crybaby statements? ?waa waa stop it or I will ignore you waa waa?? hahaha. I thought you had at least a bit of sense Nepe. Don?t you get it? It doesn?t matter at all if you ignore me or not ? especially for a ego-centric sociopath like you, it matters A WHOLE LOT more if other people DON?T ignore me.. and sadly enough for you, the won?t : ) I?m not here to ?change? you Nepe, although the reality is, you have gone from a wannabe ?sher? on this site whining, weeping sissy. I?m just here to give all those people you look down upon with a fake intellectually superior smirk and talk down to (with your less than fool proof logic), what the REAL Nepe is like. And that?s exactly what I?m doing. : ) Yeah Nepe, I?ve been there and done that too. In fact I?m going there and doing it again with your dumb ass, don?t you see? Hahahaa : ) Your signature should read more like ?Nepe the Exposed? hahaha. And don?t be so anxious. I keep telling, you will see me very very soon and you will KNOW who I am when you do. I am very much looking forward to ?meeting? you face-to-face. : ) Nemesis ? Nepe knows exactly where reference of ?sungoor? comes from. He may not talk about it on this site, but he knows and he knows that I know too : ) Don?t you Nepe? One has to stoop down pretty damn low to get to Nepe level, don?t they? Well, here I am, giving Nepe a good dose of his own bull shit. Sorry friend, I have no credibility to lose here. People like yourself have the option to read, digest and interpret whether or not what I write is the truth. And you may not read it every single time or agree with the content, but that is just the way it goes. Unlike Nepe, if you don?t like it, I won?t hover around here and try to shove it down your throat. Anti_G ; )
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